These grants are to support primary producers in the Local Land Services' Hunter region to protect and improve the water quality of the Lower Manning River Estuary.
Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: Up to $15,000
- Application opened: 7 October 2024
- Application closes: 15 November 2024, 4:30 pm
Program objective
Local Land Services (LLS) Hunter region Clean Coastal Catchments program is funded by the NSW Government under the Marine Estate Management Strategy.
The 10-year strategy was developed by the NSW Marine Estate Management Authority to coordinate the management of the Marine Estate.
This incentive program aims to reduce the diffuse sources of water pollution entering the marine estate through improved land use activities and on-ground works in agricultural catchments connected to the Lower Manning River Estuary.
Funding is provided to assist landholders to implement on-ground works and management practice change to improve water quality of the Lower Manning estuary.
This program is funded and administered by Local Land Services.
Who can apply
The grant opportunity is open to landholders in identified priority target catchments who have undertaken a whole farm planning process using Dairy Australia's Fert$mart Guidelines.
This process evaluates soil fertility to derive an appropriate fertiliser strategy but also identifies potential improvements in farm infrastructure.
To be eligible for grant funding, an applicant must be enrolled in Dairy Australia’s Fert$mart Training and meet each of the following requirements:
- be a landowner or a landholder with signed landowner permission to undertake the project on the land or if the landowner or responsible entity is a company or organisation, an application signed by an authorised representative of the entity.
- hold or commit to obtaining public liability insurance of not less than $10 million per occurrence or hold equivalent or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the LLS, prior to executing a Funding Deed or Agreement with LLS.
Eligible projects must be within in a priority area for the Lower Manning Dairy Nutrient Incentive Program located in the Manning Great Lakes local government areas, which are:
- the Lower Manning River Estuary
- Lower Manning River
- Taree Wingham Catchments.
Who can’t apply
- Local Land Services Board members
- Local Land Services staff.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects delivering on-ground works and practices to improve the water quality of the Lower Manning River Estuary.
Funding is aimed at assisting with projects that:
- reduce nutrient run-off from nutrient hotspots, laneways, holding yards
- improve drainage of fields
- improve the function of current effluent system and/or
- contribute to stabilisation of riparian areas.
All projects must have initial works completed within 1 year from the commencement of the funding agreement, with maintenance undertaken for a further 5 years from completion of initial works.
What can’t you apply for
Types of activities that will not be funded under this program include:
- solely production-oriented activities
- major farm water supplies including irrigation
- solely weed control to meet a landholder’s general biosecurity duty
- purchase of machinery and computer hardware and software, where there is no demonstrated land use change
- activities more appropriately funded by other bodies
- activities that the land managers can reasonably be expected to undertake to ensure sustainable management of areas under their control
- work that is undertaken before the project agreement for the proposal is signed or after the project agreement ends
- construction or modification of instream works
- projects intended to beautify or improve amenity
- replacement or maintenance of property boundary fencing that is the landholder’s normal responsibility
- capital works, for example construction of buildings or viewing platforms to improve amenity
- expert advice that could alternatively be provided by the LLS or other government agency
- research
- any works for mostly private benefit
- activities that may be required due to legal responsibilities, compliance with development consents and/or reasonable duty of care
- activities that do not directly deliver on the specified program outcomes
- maintenance of previously Local Land Services/Catchment Management Authority (CMA) funded works
- works that are existing obligations to the landholders, such as on title conservation agreements or Land Management code agreements
- works that are already funded by other sources.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
This is a 2-stage application process.
Stage 1: Enrolment in FertSmart Training
Dairy farmers must be Enrolled in Fert$mart Training, with Dairy NSW and Hunter LLS.
Once enrolled in the Fert$mart Training, eligible applicants will be invited to submit an application.
Your Hunter LLS staff allocated to your project will provide information and arrange a visit to your property.
Stage 2: Lodging applications
Applicants must complete a Hunter LLS Lower Manning Dairy Nutrient Management Incentives application from available from LLS staff.
LLS staff are available to assist potential applicants with developing applications, including providing advice on best practice management, design, costing and developing a detailed project works map.
LLS project staff will also provide potential applicants with a site report and recommendations following on-site discussion.
For further information, visit the Local Land Services website:
Lower Manning Dairy Nutrient Management Incentives Program 2023-2025
Address the eligibility criteria
Eligible funding applications must meet the following criteria:
- The applicant has enrolled in Fert$mart Training, with Dairy NSW and Hunter LLS. Applicant is then invited to complete an application form by the HLLS.
- The project is located within the Hunter LLS region in an identified priority area and targeted customer group for this program.
- The applicant contributes a minimum of 1:1 landholder contribution ($1 Hunter LLS funding to $1 co-investment through cash and/or in-kind (such as labour, equipment, and materials) from the landholder).
- The applicant has completed all works, monitoring, and reporting for any previously funded project/s prior to submitting a new application.
- The applicant is able to complete proposed works within a 12-month (or otherwise agreed) timeframe.
- The application must meet Hunter LLS minimum standards for on-ground works, as detailed in these guidelines.
- The applicant/business not having previously received LLS or CMA funding for the proposed works, on 2 or more previous occasions for similar works elsewhere on the same property.
- The proposed activities are consistent with local, NSW and Australian government regulations and legislation.
- The applicant has paid all current Hunter LLS financial obligations, such as rates, Long Term Grazing Permits.
- The proposed activities must not be double funded by other sources (such as other grants) for the same work, or be obligated to undertake the work to meet a legislative compliance requirement or through on title or other certificates that are the responsibility of the landholder (such as Biodiversity Conservation Trust or Land Management Code certificates).
Address the assessment criteria
You must address all assessment criteria in your application. We will assess your application based on your answers.
Quality (14%)
- Improved natural asset.
- Pre-existing threat to coastal water quality at the site.
- Methods proposed address impacts on water quality at site.
- Proposed activity will do no harm to environmental assets.
- Proposed activities will provide long-term benefit to targeted assets.
Strategic Alignment (58%)
- Project description shows planned activities will meet program objectives.
- Project activities demonstrate.
- Reduction in nutrient runoff.
- Improved drainage of fields.
- Improved function of effluent system.
- Stabilisation of riparian areas.
- Mapping, which shows project activities and proximity to named waterway.
Evidence Based Decisions (14%)
- Proposed activity has sought appropriate advice (including from LLS) and consulted with relevant stakeholders.
- Proposed activity to follow best practice guidelines.
Value for money (14%)
- The funds requested are in alignment with the proposed activities and guidelines.
- The extent to which the activities offer return on investment
If you have any questions on the assessment criteria, please speak to your project officer.
Start the application
Applications should be consistent with advice provided in the site report.
All applications must be accompanied by a project works map provided by LLS staff on a standard template, showing the location and type of proposed management activities on your property.
Declare all potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest during the application process on the signing page.
If you are successful with your grant, you will have to submit a Conflict of Interest Declaration form and have this noted or approved as not a conflict, before being able to be funded.
Applications can be lodged in 2 ways
- By post:
Lower Manning Dairy Nutrient Management Incentives Program
Hunter Local Land Services
PO Box 440
Taree NSW 2430 - By email:
Electronically lodged applications must come from the applicant’s e-mail account and must include a copy of the LLS produced map.
The subject line should include the following information:
HR0#### - “Applicant surname” (the HR0#### project identifier will be provided by your LLS staff contact)
A signed, scanned page can be submitted separately to the word application form.
As map files can be large in file size, please email your application and map separately to ensure the emails are transmitted by the due date but be sure to include the HR0#### on all correspondence.
- Applications that are sent directly to LLS staff will not be accepted.
- Incomplete applications will not be assessed.
- Late applications will be assessed in the next assessment round.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Local Land Services, Hunter region's Agricultural Production and Protection Manager.
The decision maker will review the availability of grant funds and the assessment panel’s recommendation before deciding which grant applications to approve.
Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
Peter Beale, Senior Land Services Officer
Phone: 0427 007 468
Postal Address:
Local Land Services
PO Box 440
Taree NSW 2430