Grants of up to $1800 for local domestic and family violence committees across the state, to support projects that raise awareness about the impacts of DVC.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $1,800
- Application opened: 4 September 2023
- Application closed: 4 October 2023, 5:00 pm
Program objective
These annual grants support the prevention of domestic and family violence at the local level.
The Local Domestic and Family Violence Committee Grants program has 4 key objectives:
- raise awareness in the community about the destructive impacts of domestic and family violence.
- reinforce messages about positive behaviours and social norms rejecting violence against women.
- engage local groups, organisations – including men's organisations – and schools in leading efforts for change.
- increase awareness in the local community about services and assistance available, for those experiencing domestic and family violence, or those responsible for it.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Communities and Justice.
Who can apply
To qualify as a Local Domestic and Family Violence Committee, you must:
- be a formally recognised forum with documented terms of reference, where organisations in a local area (government and non-government) providing services to women, men and children experiencing domestic and family violence, can discuss issues of concern, and enhance inter-agency responses to women, men and children who experience domestic and family violence
- be a body with membership from both government agencies and non-government organisations
- have members with demonstrated expertise in addressing domestic and family violence.
Committees, wherever possible, should seek in-kind support and/or financial contributions from project partners. Committee contributions are encouraged and can include voluntary labour, childcare with an approved service provider, use of existing facilities, equipment or other resources, and/or administrative support.
Who can’t apply
- federal, state, and local government agencies (although they may be a member of a local committee)
- individuals
- private companies
- non-government organisations which do not represent a committee.
- non-government institutions (NGI) that have been publicly identified as declining to join the National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) unless exceptional circumstances exist.
Type of project funded under this grant
- Promotional events for awareness of domestic and family violence. Past successful community events have included walks, candlelight vigils, and community information days.
- Projects that reinforce messages about positive behaviours and social norms rejecting violence against women.
- Collaborations with local groups, organisations – including men's organisations – and schools in leading efforts for change.
- Educational and awareness raising resources, print information booklets, promotional brochures and posters about domestic and family violence and/or local services.
What you can’t apply for
- Any activity of a commercial nature that is for profit.
- Existing debt or budget deficits.
- General operating and meeting expenses for the committee.
- Any activity of a commercial nature which is for personal profit.
- Capital works (that is, building work).
- Reimbursement to committee members /organisations for time spent on preparation and administration of the project.
- Permanent equipment purchases (such as tables, computers, buses).
- Events that encourage gambling, such as bingo, or the consumption of alcohol.
- Programs and activities coordinated by NSW Government departments and statutory authorities.
- The same project twice. For example, 2 different organisations cannot apply for funds for the same program or activity.
Example projects
- campaigns or events during 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
- print and produce mainstream DFV resources for women who may have intellectual, learning or sight difficulties
- media creative arts workshops
- distributing information raising awareness of DFV in LGBTQI+ communities
- candlelight vigils, such as National Remembrance Day for women and children killed as a result of domestic and family violence
- providing educational information to the community raising awareness of the impact of domestic violence on the social, emotional and psychological wellbeing of women and children.
Past recipients
NSW LGBTIQ DFV Interagency
NSW LGBTIQ DFV Interagency engagement with CALD communities
Across NSW LGAs
Should Mardi Gras Fair Day (or a virtual equivalent event) proceed (pending updates due to COVID-19) the Interagency will use funds to hold a stall distributing information raising awareness of DFV in our communities, with a healthy relationships focus, and to provide referral and contact details for people who may be experiencing abuse within an LGBTIQ relationship.
Regional NSW LGBTIQ+ Domestic and Family Violence Interagency
Across numerous regional and rural NSW LGAs
The Green Flags Project is designed to provide information on healthy, safe and loving relationships to the LGBTIQ+ community living in regional and rural NSW, and to support organisations to develop their understanding of relationship 'green flags' and how to recognise, discuss and promote these with the LGBTIQ+ community.
Bega Valley Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Committee
Bega Valley Says No to Violence
Bega Valley
The project will build on the successful 'Bega Valley Says NO to Violence' campaign. This year the project will stage a series of service expos throughout the Bega Valley to re-engage with the community post COVID lockdown.
Blue Mountains Coalition Against Violence and Abuse (CAVA)
Women Safe and Free
Blue Mountains
The Safe & Strong project invites women who have experienced domestic violence to create an interactive display for the annual Mayor’s Men against Violence breakfast in November. The event, the first event for the 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, involves attracting a wide range of community members, especially targeting and working with men, to attend and listen to presentations from the Mayor, the local High School principal and students, and male champions of change and others.
The Broken Hill Local Domestic Violence Committee
Stop Domestic Violence In The Outback
Broken Hill
Provide educational information to the community and raise awareness of the impact of domestic violence on the social, emotional and psychological wellbeing of women and children.
Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee
DV Pens
Camden and Wollondilly LGA's
The Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee will update flags and banners to highlight the message of the DV Committee that 'we say NO to Domestic Violence'.
Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee
DV Awareness Raising
Campbelltown City
For the 16 Days of Activism, CDVC will provide resource packages and training in responding to disclosures of domestic abuse to more than 100 local workplaces. Resourcing the local community who interact with women in Safe Spaces and the provision of permanent poster displays can result in more women and children being safe and raising awareness of the DFV pandemic.
Canterbury Bankstown Domestic Violence Liaison Committee
Canterbury Bankstown Information stall
Canterbury Bankstown
The project is a collaboration of at least 10 local organisations which belong to the Committee to identify strategies to raise awareness of Domestic and Family Violence, Healthy Relationships, White Ribbon Day and the 16 Days of Activism to stop all violence against women. There has been an identified need for raising awareness among the local community due to COVID 19.
Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee
Central Coast
Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee (CCDVC) -Domestic and Family Abuse Booklet and linked QR Code.
Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee
Central Coast
CCDVC has developed a website, which reaches over 120 service providers annually. Our audience primarily consists of D&FV Services, who are either members of the DV Committee, or the community in general, including domestic and family abused victims.
Cessnock Domestic and Family Violence Network
Our Community Says No to Domestic and Family Violence
A community-wide coverage of the message 'Our Community Says No to Domestic and Family Violence'. Corflutes will be displayed on all Cessnock Council waste disposal street bins, local libraries, business premises, service providers reception areas and displayed as part of the Cessnock Walks Kawuma virtual event. Development of a resource to support parents/caregivers attending court for ADVO applications where the defendant is a young person in the family. Production of face masks 'I support Cessnock Walks Kawuma' and updating of wallet cards with digital/App option. Facebook Campaign will facilitate ongoing awareness of the project aims using existing Cessnock Walks Kawuma Facebook page.
Griffith Local Domestic Violence Committee
City of Griffith
The 'Drink Coaster Campaign' is designed to raise and promote awareness of the issue of domestic and family violence (DFV) within the community. The drink coasters will be distributed through the clubs, hotels and restaurant venues throughout the LGA (with permission from venue managers/management).
Clarence Valley Domestic and Family Violence Committee
Community-based Domestic and Family Violence Projects
Clarence Valley Council
The issue of domestic and family violence will be highlighted throughout the Clarence Valley during the 16 days of activism and in May 2022. A community breakfast event will be held in the carpark of the local library. Banners and Lovebite posters will be displayed and resource packs will be available. Local dignitaries including the State Member for Clarence, will be invited to speak.
Coonamble DV Collective
DV Awareness Roadside Signs
Coonamble Shire
DV Collective will erect a roadside sign on the main road leading into Coonamble. The purpose of the sign will be to raise awareness and provide information for available supports within the community.
Domestic Violence Community of Practice
Planning 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
Cumberland City Council
The Domestic Violence Community of Practice (DVCoP) is working with Cumberland City Council in the implementation of the Cumberland Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Sector Action Plan.
Dubbo Violence Prevention Collective
Dubbo CBD Street Flags Project
Dubbo Regional Council
The 2022 From Violence to Safety regional conference to be held in Dubbo is a professional development event that aims to provide greater contemporary knowledge, tools, and connections to prevent domestic, family, and sexual abuse, now and into the future. The conference is aimed at those working in the community services sector, teachers, school support officers, school counsellors, legal and justice services, and police.
Gunnedah Community Action Team
Gunnedah LGA
In collaboration with Gunnedah High School, St Marys College and Winanga-li Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, the GCAT will facilitate a design competition calling for young people to design artwork that will be featured on paper coffee cups.
Hawkesbury Action Network Against Domestic Violence
A visual campaign engaging all members of the community to say no to Domestic violence.
Community Violence Prevention Team
Paint the Town Purple
Inverell Shire Council
Businesses and service providers will decorate their windows in purple themes with anti-violence themes. Resources and stickers are provided to each window display premises. Education and resources to businesses that want to respond to disclosures. Events in schools, including purple day and education programs around DFV. Walking the oval and displaying messages around the Schools.
Kempsey Domestic Violence Monitoring Committee
Previously, the DVMC has used WNSW funds to purchase banners, coffee cups and hats with DV awareness messages. The DVMC will purchase more Lovebites resources and coffee cups to continue to spread the messages to the community via a range of mediums.
Kyogle Anti-Violence Alliance (KAVA)
Cut it Out! Project
Sport is a priority area for the primary prevention of violence against women and children. In response, the Cut It Out! Sports project delivers bystander training so people can feel confident responding to locker room jokes and the like and to equip participants with the skills and materials needed to feel confident in “knowing what to say and do” when discloses happen.
Condobolin Domestic Violence Committee
Healthy Attitudes - Check In
Lachlan Shire Council
Local government and non-government service providers will collaborate in facilitating & delivering health checks, domestic and family violence discussions, in safe environments. The project will also introduce the 'outreach' services to local community members, so they can 'put a face to the name of a service provider'.
Lake Cargelligo Murrin Bridge Domestic Violence Group
Lake Raising Awareness
Lachlan Shire Council
To develop a local response to the issues of family and domestic violence by raising community awareness through education and community engagement to develop a better understanding of the issues and impacts of family and domestic violence.
Lake Macquarie Domestic Violence Committee
Bus Campaign
Lake Macquarie
The committee will participate in the Lake Macquarie Police DV Day on 13 March 2022. This is a key city-wide awareness event coordinated by NSW Police.
Lismore Domestic Violence liaison committee
Lismore LGA
The Resilience Project program will support women by sharing information and support regarding DFV/ Sexual Assault, and strategies for building resilience and understanding regarding the long term impact of trauma arising from DFV and Sexual Assault.
Regional Media, Social Media, and online platforms will be used to share appropriate strategies and stories and initiate events that support and celebrate the resilience of women and children that have experienced the trauma of Domestic and Family Violence and sexual assault.
Lithgow Cares
White Ribbon - Trivia Night
Lithgow LGA
As a committee with a strong focus on providing information and raising awareness about domestic violence in this local community, this project will distribute booklets and publications that are useful to organisations working with women experiencing domestic violence.
CDACC - Domestic Violence Committee
CDACC-DVC Art and reflection
The project will provide flyers, information sessions, case management, food hampers, clothing and other needs. Decrease stress by yarning and having a chat whilst doing art, crafts as a barrier to meet other people in the same situations so that they feel they are not alone.
Mid-Western People Against Violence
International Women's Day
Mid Western Regional Council
Mid-Western People Against Violence assists the Mudgee region to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) by hosting a luncheon that is attended by many women from the community. Guest speakers are invited to join the celebrations and to engage the audience with their real-life stories of empowerment, gratitude, achievements and success. IWD (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women past, present and future. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific.
Moree No Violence Alliance
Moree Plains
Moree NoVA will develop an anti-DFV sticker for placement on wheelie bins. Stickers will be professionally designed and printed to maximise impact, then provided to community members via letterbox drop and local media campaign.
Upper Hunter Domestic Violence Committee Inc.
Muswellbrook, Singleton & Upper Hunter Councils
A Community awareness campaign raising awareness of domestic violence and providing access to support services for people experiencing DFV through resources displayed in high visibility areas.
Newcastle DV Committee
It has been identified that for many victims of Domestic Abuse, the legislative process can be overwhelming and confusing. The Newcastle DV Committee will develop a 2-page trifold leaflet that victims can receive at the beginning of the court and AVO process, that outlines clearly and accessibly what to expect and what support is available.
Parramatta Cumberland Family and Domestic Violence Prevention Committee
Safe At Our Service
Parramatta and Cumberland LGAs
The Committee is hosting a virtual fundraising campaign for the Parramatta Women's Shelter. The Shelter provides crisis accommodation, transitional housing and support services for vulnerable women and their families escaping domestic violence and/or homelessness.
Port Macquarie Hastings Domestic Violence Committee
Conversations in the Chair
Port Macquarie Hastings
Recognise, Respond and Refer invites allied health professionals, eg dentists, psychologists and physiotherapists to an education session to help them recognise the signs a client may be experiencing DFV and how to respond safely.
Port Stephens Domestic Violence Committee
Social Media Campaign to Raise Awareness Around Domestic and Family Violence
Port Stephens Council
Collaboration with Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services (PSFaNS) and Port Stephens DV Committee to post publications to Facebook and Instagram to raise awareness on D&FV. Previously all social media has been published via PSFaNS page however this year aim to improve and build the Port Stephens DV Committee presence in the community via its own Facebook page, with the assistance of PSFaNS. Plan to run sponsored targeted posts every month for 6 months with the aim of reaching women all over Port Stephens. Some publications will also be used to advertise in local papers during DV Week.
Braidwood Says No To Violence
Champions Against Violence
Educational Art-Poster - 'In Violence we forget who we are'. A local female artist who has a personal history of childhood family violence, and a background in graphic design, traditional signwriting and murals for socially-conscious projects will design the poster using imagery that is both challenging and trauma-informed.
Shoalhaven Domestic and Family Violence Committee
Nowra DV Committee
Shoalhaven LGA
To update and re-design and print a Service Directory for Domestic and Family Violence Services in the Shoalhaven LGA, with relevant state and national resources also noted.
Walk for Respectful Relationships
Sutherland Shire
The Sutherland Shire Walk for Respectful Relationships is a community-led initiative that promotes the prevention of domestic and family abuse.
Hills Domestic Violence Prevention Network (HDVPN)
The Hills Says NO to Domestic Violence Signs
The Hills Shire Council
This forum will bring together workers and families from The Hills Shire and surrounding LGAs to address the issue of managing challenging behaviours with teens in the home and community. Challenging behaviour and violence by young people in the family home have been identified as an escalating concern. This issue has been highlighted by statistics provided by The Hills Police Area Command. Speakers, Counsellors and Family Workers will be available to provide information about services available and ways to assist parents and young people on how to best manage conflict in the home and how to develop healthy relationships in the wider community. They will also address the possible causes of this behaviour.
Tweed Domestic Violence Integrated Response Committee
Tweed Shire
"Cut it Out Tweed" builds on an identified successful project being delivered in the Northern Rivers. Research has identified that informal disclosures of domestic and family violence (DFV) are often made in hair salons, a female-dominated industry where meaningful professional relationships are formed. This project helps to equip hairdressers with the skills and materials needed to feel confident in "knowing what to say and do" when their customers disclose DFV. The program is comprised of 2 x free 90-minute workshops, facilitated by experienced DFV workers.
Wagga Wagga Domestic Violence Liason Committee
No More Silence
Wagga Wagga City Council
No More Silence is a research-based campaign with three principal aims: to raise awareness about the prevalence of, and what constitutes domestic and family violence (DFV) in our community; to provide information about specialist support services available; and to name DFV for what it is, thus creating an openness and opportunity for safe and honest discussion.
Warrumbungle Domestic Violence Committee
Warrumbungle LGA
The Warrumbungle Domestic Violence committee seeks to provide relevant and current information to residents of Warrumbungle LGA through the provision of local and regional support contact information.
Lower North Shore Domestic Violence Network
NS Religious Leaders DV Course
Willoughby, Lane Cove, North Sydney, Mosman
The Lower North Shore DV Network will join other NS networks/committees for outdoor/online events on December 4, 2021. The campaign is titled '#1minutesilence4violence', part of the 16 Days Against Gender Violence, remembering DV victims.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
For full details, download the grant guidelines (PDF 339.04KB). Or download a sample application from SmartyGrants.
Before applying, collate the following essential support material:
- your local domestic and family violence committee's terms of reference
- your local domestic and family violence committee's Sponsoring Body with contact details, ABN and bank account details.
- confirmation that your sponsoring body has not been publicly identified as declining to join the National Redress Scheme OR failing to join the scheme at the expiry of 6 months after being notified to join the scheme
- copy of your local domestic and family violence committee's public liability insurance document.
- project location
- grant amount you are applying for
- provide documentation the applicant is:
- A formally recognised forum with documented terms of reference, where organisations in a local area (government and non-government) providing services to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, can discuss issues of concern, and enhance inter-agency responses.
- A body with membership from both government agencies and non-government organisations.
- Has members with demonstrated expertise in addressing domestic and family violence.
In addition, all applicants must:
- have appropriate insurance minimum of $10 million
- address the NSW National Redress Scheme sanctions
- adhere to NSW Government public health orders and advice in regard to COVID-19.
Applications will not be accepted from organisations that have outstanding acquittals with DCJ.
All projects are assessed on merit against the following criteria:
- how the project will effectively deliver at least 1 of the 4 program objectives
- how the community will benefit from the initiative
- how the expected outcomes of the project provides significant benefit to girls and/or women
- how the success of the project will be measured
- how project partners outside of committee membership are engaged in the initiative, including their contributions to the project (financial and/or in-kind)
- how activities will align with current NSW Health advice about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Start the application
Applications for this grant are available via the Smarty Grants portal.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by October 2023.
Support and contact
A 1-hour information session will be held via MS Teams in September 2023. To register your interest, email: We will email to update you on event details once they are confirmed.
If you have any questions about the LDFVCG program please email:
If you experience any difficulties with preparing or submitting your application on the SmartyGrants portal, please contact the SPC-Grants Hub team by email at: Please ensure you include your application ID.