Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: From $1 to $200,000
- Application opened: 17 March 2025
- Application closes: 2 May 2025, 5:00 pm
Program objective
Minor works submitted for funding will need to demonstrate an improvement to level crossing safety, in line with the eligible works permitted and outlined in the guidelines.
Ensuring projects deliver works towards improvements to safety around level crossings which aligns with the Level Crossing Strategy Council Strategic Plan 2021–2030 to prioritise the reduction of collisions and near misses at level crossings, Towards Zero.
This program is administered by Transport for NSW.
Who can apply
- Regional councils in NSW with a public level rail crossing are eligible. This includes Newcastle, Central Coast and Wollongong.
- Refer to Program Guidelines for further information.
Who the grant is targeted towards
- Local Government
Types of projects funded under this grant
- The works proposed must be on a local or regional road.
- Proposed works must be on road approaches to operational level crossings.
- All minor works submitted for funding must focus on improving level crossing safety.
When the project can start and end
- All projects must be complete by 30 June 2026 which includes a finalised Project Completion Report.
- Refer to Program Guidelines for further information.
The project must be completed by 30 June 2026.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
- Minor, low-cost works aimed at improving safety on council managed roads near public level crossings.
What costs you can apply for
- Costs must be directly related to the development and implementation of the project scope outlined in the application.
Who can’t apply
- Greater Sydney councils are not eligible.
- Regional councils in NSW with no public level rail crossings are not eligible.
- Refer to Program Guidelines for further information.
What costs you can't apply for
- Ongoing maintenance costs associated with a project
- Costs associated with works not listed as eligible treatments above
- Costs associated with works on private land not accessible by the public.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
- Private level crossings.
- Works on roads that interface with an inactive/non-operational rail line.
- Projects with awarded contracts for construction or already commenced construction.
Example projects
- Remediation to the level crossing surroundings to increase sighting distances including permanent removal of vegetation and other items affecting sighting distances.
- Advanced warning signage, line marking and delineation on road approach.
- Installing Vehicle Activated Signage (VAS) on road approach.
- Minor realignment of road approach to improve sighting distance.
- Removing solid materials.
- Installing new or upgrading existing street lighting near a level crossing.
- Upgrading of existing pedestrian level crossing approaches adjacent to a road or at standalone pedestrian level crossing sites.
- Installing treatments to slow traffic (traffic calming) (but not speed limit reductions See “Have your say about speed limits”).
What co-contributions are required
- Collaboration and co-funding from other organisations are strongly encouraged. Councils must list all funding sources contributing to the project.
- Councils are required to submit written confirmation of any funding co-contributions for projects at the application stage.
What your application needs to include
Applications must be completed with the following information for each project:
- Basic information about the project – including, but not limited to:
- project location (including GPS co-ordinates)
- photos
- consultation with relevant authorities (RIMs etc)
- description of the proposed scope of works
- Road traffic counts for the project location if available.
- Project timeline for delivery, including expected start and finish dates.
- Cost estimates, funding sought from Transport and details of any co-contributions.
- Evidence of an interface agreement, or a commitment to seeking to enter into an interface agreement by the time the infrastructure works are complete.
- Any relevant community, emergency services, or other agency consultation and feedback to support the project.
- A summary of expected safety outcomes.
- A summary of expected benefits to the community.
- Engineering report(s) and/or risk assessments if available.
- Co-contributions details and supporting evidence.
- Written support from the relevant RIM for any works proposed in the rail corridor.
- Any other supporting evidence including audits, risk assessments, or reports that have identified non-compliances to Australian Standards or other relevant standards.
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
- Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model (ALCAM) rating for the Level Crossing - 20%
- Safety incident data (crashes and near misses near the level crossing) - 15%
- Safety and community benefits of the nominated project - 15%
- Value for money and project deliverability - 25%
- Evidence of identified defects e.g. audits, engineering report(s), risk assessments, photos, letters of support - 25%
Start the application
- Applications must be submitted through the online grants managements system – SmartyGrants -
- Applications for the Program open from Monday 17th March 2025 and close 5pm, Friday 2nd May 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted unless agreed to prior to the closing date.
- Councils must provide all mandatory information in the application form and are encouraged to provide additional materials to support their case in relation to the assessment criteria.
- Councils may withdraw an application at any time, with written advice of the withdrawal to be provided to Transport via email to
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The Chief Centres for Road Safety and Maritime Safety as Chair of the Level Crossing Strategy Council (LCSC)
- Each project will be subject to a competitive merit-based assessment process based on eligibility criteria and assessment criteria to enable selection of projects which meet the Program objective of improving road safety around public level crossings.
- Applications will be assessed by a panel formed within Transport, consisting of subject matter expert representatives.
- The panel will review all applications based on the principles and priorities outlined in these guidelines, including assessment of project eligibility (see section 2.1); adherence to program delivery timeframes (see section 2.2) and adherence to funding guidelines (see section 2.3).
- The assessment panel will then prioritise eligible applications.
- Project allocations are subject to the discretion and recommendation of the assessment panel, maximising the impact of eligible projects within the Program budget.
- After completing the application assessments, the panel will submit recommendations to the Chief Centres for Road Safety and Maritime Safety, who chairs the Level Crossing Strategy Council (LCSC), for approval.
- The decision of the Level Crossing Strategy Council is final. The LCSC may also, at its discretion, choose not to award funding to projects that may meet the criteria.
- The Chief Centres for Road Safety and Maritime Safety as Chair of the LCSC is the final decision maker and at their discretion, they may introduce modifications to grant terms, conditions, or allocations consistent with these guidelines. Transport may request additional information from the council to help further support the submission.
- Refer to Program Guidelines for further information.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is 30/05/2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is 30/06/2025
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