Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: Up to $25,000
- Application opened: 6 December 2024
- Application closes: 21 March 2025
Program objective
The objective of the LCEI Program is to provide funding for regional and remote councils in the RLA and NLA of NSW to close or improve landfill and transfer station sites. The Program aims to:
- Support regional NSW local councils carry out site-specific improvement works to council-managed landfill and transfer station facilities.
- Consolidate and close regional landfills at end of life or where councils have identified viable alternatives for waste disposal via the Council Waste Management Strategy or Regional Waste Strategy
- Establish site-specific transfer stations at the location of the closed landfill site
- Improve environmental and human health and well-being in communities
- Improve management, safety and operation of landfills and transfer stations
- Provide access to advisory services and education on best practice methods to improve waste management practices and landfill management efficiency, including to extend the life of landfills
- Encourage use of the E-RAMP tool to assess sites at most risk and suitable for closure
This program is administered by Environment Protection Authority.
Who can apply
Organisations that are eligible to apply include:
- Must be located in the Regional Levy Area (RLA) or the Non-Levied Area (NLA) and;
- NSW council (as defined in the NSW Local Government Act), or;
- Regional waste groups (RWG), Regional Organisations of Councils (ROC) or Joint Organisations of Councils (JOC). These organisations may apply and/or coordinate the project on behalf of several NSW councils within their regional group, provided each council nominates a contact person for the project.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Stream 3 – Advisory Services and education
Grants of up to $25,000 are available for Stream 3, covering up to 50% of the eligible project costs of advisory services relating to landfill closure plans, consolidation plans, environmental improvement plans, feasibility assessments for transformation, design, technical engineering plans and education courses to upskill Council staff in waste management. Applicants must meet a minimum of 50% of cash or in-kind contributions. All project expenses, including cash and in-kind contributions must be clearly identified in the Application Budget.
When the project can start and end
Projects must be completed by 30 June 2027.
The project must be completed by 30 June 2027.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
The LCEI Program delivers a number of key environmental outcomes:
- High risk landfills are closed or converted to transfer stations
- Contribute to the long-term protection of the environment in regional and remote areas of NSW
- Improved safety, amenity and security at rural landfills
- Communities improve or maintain access to dispose of household waste in rural areas
- Councils have the skills to extend the life of existing landfill through access to technical specialists and manage risks at landfill and transfer station sites
- Program outcomes and data are shared with EPA to inform future policies and programs
- Alignment to targets listed in the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041
- have an 80% average recovery rate from all waste streams by 2030;
- halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill by 2030;
- net zero emissions from organic waste by 2030;
- 60% reduction in all litter items by 2030;
- triple the plastics recycling rate by 2030; and
- reduce illegal dumping.
What costs you can apply for
Stream 3 – Advisory Services and Education
Advisory Services
Funding for professional services. In some cases, documents developed in Stream 3 could inform subsequent applications under Stream 1 and 2.
Examples of items eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the list below:
- Consolidation options assessment
- Feasibility assessments for transformation
- Landfill closure plans
- Capping system design
- Design plans for infrastructure and civil works
- Surface water management plans
- Leachate management plans
- Stockpile material assessments
- Post-closure management plans
- Rehabilitation design
- Site layout plans
- Surface water management plan
Courses aimed at improving operational and environmental management of landfills and transfer stations. Examples include operator training for best practice management at consolidated landfill.
Education and training courses must be delivered by Registered Training Organisations approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Funding associated with the application or gaining of funding, eg. consultant fees or legal fees.
The EPA provides a free application support service to eligible applicants to help improve their Stream 1 and Stream 2 grant applications. This service is provided by an independent contractor and will provide application advice. Under the service the EPA provides up to 6 hours of support to eligible Stream 1 and 2 applicants.
What co-contributions are required
Applicant's must meet a minimum of 50% of cash or in-kind contributions. All project expenses, including cash and in-kind contributions, must be clearly identified in the Application Budget.
Additional eligibility requirements
Your organisation has a clear proposal that:
- Will procure an appropriately qualified and experienced expert to develop and/or review plans or documents related to landfill closure, transfer station construction and environmental improvements AND/OR will send Council staff on a training course that with the aim to improving waste management;
- Is authorised by the names of two senior officers in your organisation (e.g. General Manager, CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Group Manager or Secretary) who can attest to the accuracy of the information within the application;
- Has a completed, separate risk assessments for each site/facility proposed in the application;
- Provides separate site layouts for each site/facility proposed in the application;
- Provides at least two contact people within the eligible organisation who will be responsible for delivering the project, ongoing grant management and available to respond to questions from the EPA;
- For organisations submitting multiple applications, provide a priority list ranking the sites/facility in order of importance and preference for funding;
- Will be completed prior to June 2027; and
- Has received three quotations from appropriately qualified and experienced persons for advisory services. For seeking funding only for an education course, a quote from a Registered Training Organisation.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
- Part A: General Information
- Part B: Assessment Criteria
- Part C: Compliance Record and Authorisations
- E-RAMP Assessment (or alternative if landfill accepts more than 5,000 tonnes per annum)
- Cover letter with ranking - Applicable only if Council intends to apply for funding at multiple sites
- Photographs of the site
- Other relevant documents (e.g. regional waste plans, management plans related to the site, etc.)
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Criterion 1 – 30%
The project shows it will deliver information that is relevant and useful
- The application clearly describes, with supporting evidence, how it delivers on the program objectives and outcomes.
- The application has a completed risk assessment that addresses current operational condition and mitigations for the proposed site/facility.
- The application describes how it will address an issue or knowledge gap.
- The application describes how the activities are of interest or value. For instance, of council priority, localities an/or communities.
Criterion 2 – 30%
The project shows intention to act on information delivered
- The application describes how the information delivered will help inform future management and future use of the site/facility.
- The application shows there is a financial commitment to act on the information delivered once the project is complete. For instance, planning for activities within budgetary cycles or how new learnings will be embedded as business as usual
- The application describes the timeframe for acting on the information delivered once the advisory services are complete.
- The application describes how it will support knowledge sharing. For instance, with other local councils.
Criterion 3 – 20%
The project shows how it will deliver on strategic priorities
- The application describes how it delivers on broader strategies, including but not limited to: Council Waste Strategies, Regional Waste Strategies, NSW Government priorities.
- The application describes how the information delivered will contribute to long-term protection of the environment and communities.
Criterion 4 – 10%
The project shows value for money
- The application pricing and service offering are viable and credible.
- The application shows that multiple quotes have been sought.
- The application budget shows the required 50% or more co-contribution has been committed, with supporting evidence.
Start the application
Use SmartyGrants to apply for funding.
If you have any issues accessing the platform or completing any questions, please email
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: NSW Environment Protection Authority
After the intake closing date, the EPA will check whether your application is eligible and complete.
The EPA establishes an independent Technical Review Committee (TRC) for each grant program. Each TRC is made up of people with knowledge and experience relevant to each grant program. TRC members agree to undertake their duties within the principles of ethical conduct, integrity, objectivity and independence. They are also required to keep all matters concerning applications confidential and to declare any potential conflict of interest. The TRC membership is confidential to avoid opportunity for influence.
The TRC assessment process also involves consultation with relevant EPA staff. The TRC will assess the merit of your application by using the assessment criteria outlined in these guidelines. The TRC then makes recommendations to the EPA who will ultimately approve the funding. The assessment process is overseen by an independent probity auditor.
Successful applicants may not receive the full amount requested and the offer of funding may be subject to special, as well as general, conditions of funding. The EPA may also include conditions that may not have been addressed in these guidelines, should a particular issue come to light during the assessment process.
Unsuccessful applicants can request feedback on their applications from the EPA via
Decisions by the EPA are final. There is no appeal process.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is April 2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is End of May 2025
Support and contact
NSW Environment Protection Authority, Kieran Henry,, 02 8837 6000