Only for applicants in the Eastern Riverina Arts region. There are 2 streams: Individuals, for professional development or an artistic outcome. Projects, for original creative projects that meet eligibility.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $100 to $3,000
- Application opened: 18 December 2023
- Application closed: 4 February 2024
Program objective
Eastern Riverina Arts is committed to achieving the following objectives through the CASP program:
- Support the development of ambitious and original creative outputs, projects and collaborations across the ERA service region.
- Utilise CASP as an opportunity to develop artist and organisational capabilities.
- Support artists and projects across a broad sweep of the Eastern Riverina Arts service region.
This program is administered by Create NSW.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants must:
- Reside within one of the Local Government Areas supported by Eastern Riverina Arts
- Have an ABN
- Have an active (free) profile on
- Your proposed creative activity must substantially take place within the Eastern Riverina Arts region, or in the case of professional development, it must support an an artist that resides in our region.
Location that are eligible include Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional, Junee, Lockhart, Snowy Valleys, Temora, Wagga Wagga
Types of projects funded under this grant
Examples of eligible projects include:
- Concerts
- Markets,
- Art trails
- Festivals
- Pop-up events
- Performances
- Workshops
- Exhibitions
- Digital projects
- Creative Collaborations
When the project can start and end
Projects commence anytime after 1st April 2024
Projects finalised and acquittals due by 28th February 2025
The project should be started by 1 April 2024 and the project must be completed by 28 February 2025.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
The Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is an annual small grants program funded by Create NSW and managed locally by Eastern Riverina Arts. It is guided by Create NSW’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program’s three major objectives:
Grow creative leadership and programming excellence in NSW
Strengthen NSW arts and cultural activity that drives community and social benefits
Showcase NSW as a leader for strategic arts and cultural governance and strong financial management.
Create NSW’s objective for this program is to support community arts and cultural development in regional NSW through small grants that:
Assist locally determined community arts and cultural activities
Increase opportunities for regionally based groups to access a diverse range of arts programs
Enable communities to explore and express their cultural identities
What costs you can apply for
Eligible project costs include:
- Workshop facilitator fees
- Artist fees
- Speaker/presenter fees
- First Nations cultural knowledge fees and welcome to country fees
- Materials ie. Art supplies
- Equipment hire
- Venue hire
- Project documentation ie. Photography, video
- Project administration costs
Who can’t apply
Applicants will be deemed ineligible if they:
- Reside outside of the the Local Government Areas supported by Eastern Riverina Arts
- Seek funding for a non Arts and Cultural related project or activity
- Do not have a Creative Riverina Profile
- Do not meet the ABN requirements
What costs you can't apply for
There are a few things we don't fund, and these include:
Prize money or gifts
Expenses which are already covered by an organisation's existing funding (eg existing worker salaries)
Illegal activities
Works or projects of an offensive nature
Talk to us about what you're proposing and we can help you to navigate this.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Ineligible projects include:
- Projects whose budget is predominantly printing or framing costs
- Projects whose budget is predominantly catering costs
- Projects that predominantly take place outside of the ERA service region
- Projects whose artist fees will be spent predominantly outside of the ERA service region (unless the application is for professional development)
- Projects that have a demonstrated ability to run consecutively without funding
- Projects that are illegal or offensive in nature
Example projects
Examples of previous projects funded by CASP:
- Printmaking Professional Development
- Professional Development - BIGSOUND Conference Attendance
- Professional Development and Screen Printed Exhibition Catalogue
Projects - impactful projects and creative collaborations
- Live performance, animation and projection mapping.
- The Planet Man - Stage 3 Podcast
- Animation of Wiradjuri story: Gobbagumbalin and Pomingalarna
- Collaboration between five poets and five print makers to create a limited edition book.
- Freeroam Theatre 2022 Season - Picnic at Hanging Rock
- Memorial Water Tank Art
What your application needs to include
- Read guidelines
- Check eligibility
- If applying for the project stream, applicants are required to discuss the eligibility of their project with Eastern Riverina Arts prior to applying
- Create Creative Riverina Profile
- Proposed dates and timeline
- Budget (available within the application form)
- Supporting documentation
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Applications are assessed against the following criteria:
Impact - does this proposal extend/level-up the artist's practice or portfolio?
Ambition - the proposal's level of ambition relative to the applicant's present capacities.
Legacy - will this have a legacy in our region?
Proposal: Sufficient detail in proposal and budget to assess
Impact: whether artistic ambition, or project/collaboration quality
Legacy: Does this develop artist/organisational/partnership capacities in our region?
Start the application
Start the application
Applications for this grant are available via the SmartyGrants portal.
After the application is submitted
You will receive an email confirmation from our secure online grants system, SmartyGrants.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Eastern Riverina Arts
CASP is peer assessed, with assessors chosen by Eastern Riverina Arts.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is Late February 2024
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is Late February 2024
Support and contact
Ashleigh Baxter during business hours on (02) 6921 6890 or email