How to claim CBP2022 funding

Read these steps carefully. Failure to comply with program requirements and due dates may result in the funding offer being withdrawn.

On this page

1. Submit online forms

Log on to the CBP SmartyGrants website.

From SmartyGrants you can access and submit the online forms.

  • EFT Banking Detail form due by 31 March 2023
  • Funding Deed due by 31 March 2023

Projects requiring development consent will be allowed until 30 June 2023 to submit their funding deed.

If your project has been completed, send an email to

2. Claim grant payment

Your submitted funding deed will be reviewed by CBP. You may be required to provide copies of owner’s consent, public liability insurance (certificate of currency) and development consent, if not already provided.

On receipt of all requested information, CBP will review and counter-sign your funding deed. How your grant proceeds to payment will depend on whether your organisation has an ABN or not.

If your organisation has an ABN

You will be emailed:

  • Funding Deed counter-signed by CBP
  • Information confirming that payment of your grant has been scheduled for release.

No invoice is required to be submitted to claim your grant funding.

If your organisation does not have an ABN

You will be emailed:

  • Funding Deed counter-signed by CBP
  • A purchase order to quote when submitting your invoice
  • Instructions for invoicing
  • ATO guide to invoicing.

3. Submit Progress Report

You need to submit a Progress Report by 31 August 2023 regardless of whether your project is paid or not and whether development consent is required.

The Progress Report form will be uploaded to your SmartyGrants account on 17 July 2023.

If your project has been completed, fill in the Completion Report instead.

4. Submit Completion Report

All CBP2022 projects must be completed before 31 March 2024.

Completion Reports are required no later than 30 April 2024.

Refer to Evidence for Completion (PDF 56.07KB) for points required to close your project.

Due dates

Due dates for projects
31 March 2023Submit online EFT Banking Details
31 March 2023Submit online Funding Deed not requiring development consent
30 June 2023Submit online Funding Deed requiring development consent
31 August 2023 Submit online Progress Report
31 March 2024Complete project
30 April 2024 

Submit online Completion Report

What you need to know

  • CBP may withdraw the grant offer if any of the above due dates are not met.
  • A CBP2022 step-by-step guide will be sent shortly via email to help you fill in online forms through SmartyGrants.
  • The SmartyGrants user account holder is our main contact for your project. It is your responsibility to keep the CBP team up-to-date of any change in the contact details for the user account holder at all times.
  • Any changes to project scope, location and completion timeframes require prior written approval from CBP.
  • Carefully read the terms and conditions prior to submitting your online Funding Deed.
  • Ensure correct banking details have been entered as funds transferred to an incorrect bank account may not be recoverable.

Contact us

If you need assistance or have any questions relating to your successful project/s contact the CBP team by email

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