CBP2020 Round

Applications for CBP2020 closed on 12 June 2020.

On this page

Key dates

4 May 2020Applications open 9am
12 June 2020Applications close 5pm sharp
June to NovemberEligibility, assessment and approval process
Late November 2020Announcement of successful projects and advice to all applicants
15 July 2021Progress report due
31 March 2022Project due to complete

CBP2020 Round process



  • read Program Guidelines
  • submit application online before 12 June 2020.


  • eligibility check
  • relative merit assessment.


  • receive notifications
  • submit Funding Deed and EFT forms online before 31 March 2021.


  • no outstanding paperwork
  • FD exchange
  • payment processed.

Project delivery

  • take ‘before’ photo
  • keep invoices and receipts
  • submit mid-way Progress Report before Thursday 15 July 2021.

Completion Requirement

  • provide sufficient points of evidence
  • submit Completion Report online before Saturday 30 April 2022
  • receive project closure notification.

Assessment criteria

Eligible projects will be assessed against four equally weighted program criteria:

  1. Enhancing facilities — the project develops a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive community through the enhancement or construction of community infrastructure.
  2. Meeting community needs — the project supports activities and services needed by local communities.
  3. Increasing community participation — the project encourages participation in activities or services needed by a broad section of the community.
  4. The organisation’s capacity — the applicant has the capacity to deliver the project on time and within scope.

Your obligations

Successful applicants are required to submit documentation via SmartyGrants before the due dates for each round.

It’s the responsibility of the grant recipient to keep the CBP team up to date with any change in contact information.

Find information about the Reporting and Closures process for your successful project.

CBP2020 program guidelines

Download the CBP2020 program guidelines.

Sign up for alerts

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Contact us

Contact the Community Building Partnership team.

Successful grants

Find community projects that were successful in receiving CBP grant funding in the last three rounds.

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