Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Inline with program guidlines.
- Application opened: 11 November 2024
- Application closed: 19 December 2024, 12:00 pm
Program objective
The Boating Infrastructure for Communities Grants Program aims to improve access to waterways for boaters of all abilities, particularly focusing on boaters with limited mobility. It aims to enhance the boating experience by upgrading infrastructure, such as boat ramps, pontoons, and amenities, ensuring the safe and enjoyable use of NSW waterways for both recreational and commercial boating communities. This program also seeks to address environmental sustainability and safety improvements, with an emphasis on projects that align with local community needs.
This program is administered by Transport for NSW.
Who can apply
Applications are welcomed from local councils, government agencies, community groups and the private sector.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Disability and mobility access improvements
- Projects may include the installation of wheelchair hoists, handrail upgrades to pontoons and installation of accessibility compliant pontoons
Boating access improvements
- Projects may include development of or upgrades for boat ramps, wharves, jetties, pontoons, and non-powered vessel access facilities
Boating amenity and service improvements
- Projects may include sewage pump-out facilities, fuel and water services, toilets, car and trailer parking, dinghy storage, vessel wash-down facilities, lighting and signage (including electronic variable message signs)
Local dredging projects
- Projects that provide navigable access to local boating facilities
Strategic plans, detailed designs and feasibility studies
- Projects may include investigations that prioritise and identify long-term boating infrastructure needs and support future boating infrastructure investment
Priority infrastructure needs at key investment locations
- Eligible projects are those that support priority infrastructure outcomes within the Maritime Infrastructure Plan
What your application needs to include
Completed application form
- All sections filled out with accurate and up-to-date information.
Detailed project plan
- Including scope, timelines, and key milestones.
Budget breakdown
- A clear and detailed budget, showing expected project costs and any co-funding contributions.
Supporting documentation
- Engineering or design plans (if applicable).
- Environmental impact assessments (if required).
- Landowner consent (if the project is on land not owned by the applicant).
Evidence of community support, including any letters of support from community or stakeholder groups endorsing the project.
Photos of the project site
- Clear images of the current condition of the site.
Risk management plan
- Identification of potential project risks and how they will be mitigated during the project.
Outline of how the funded infrastructure will be maintained and managed after project completion
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Start the application
The Boating Infrastructure for Communities Grants Program follows a structured, two-stage application process designed to improve project planning and outcomes. The two stages are:
1. Registration of Interest (ROI) Stage
- Opens 11 November 2024 and closes 12PM 19 December 2024.
- The Registration of Interest submission allows applicants to develop a project scope and seek preliminary feedback from Transport for NSW’s Maritime Infrastructure Delivery Office before preparing a formal application.
- The ROI is a mandatory requirement for a project to be considered for the Formal Application stage.
- Applicants must submit their ROI via the SmartyGrants platform. No paper applications will be accepted.
- ROI submissions will not be assessed.
2. Formal Application Stage
- Expected to open in February 2025 for those who have submitted an ROI.
- Formal Applications should take into account any MIDO feedback from the ROI stage and should be more detailed than the submissions provided during the ROI stage.
- Formal applications are submitted through the SmartyGrants portal.
- Applications are evaluated based on criteria like direct benefits to boaters, strategic outcomes, delivery confidence, and cost.
Notification and Acceptance
- Decisions on successful applicants is expected by mid-2025.
- All applicants to the Formal Application stage will be notified of the outcome of their submission.
- Successful applicants must sign the Conditions of Grants document to accept the funding.
Mandatory Criteria for Formal Application
- Registration of Interest form has been submitted for the same or equivalent project scope.
- Project must provide direct benefits to boaters.
- Project must be available for use by the general boating public and located in an area with an appropriate level of public access to the infrastructure once completed.
- Project must be located on land and waters that the applicant owns or has tenure over. Alternatively, the applicant must provide clear evidence of landowner’s support, approval or consent to carry out the proposed works at the site, such as a letter of support or formal approval for the project from landowner.
- Applicants must have and retain control and/or ownership of the infrastructure to be funded by the grant once it has been completed, and must therefore be responsible for the facility’s ongoing management and maintenance.
- Project construction must not have commenced at the time of submitting the formal application form. The term ‘construction’ applies to physical works only and does not include preliminary investigation and design work, cost estimations or community consultation.
- Applicant must have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Applicant must either currently hold public liability insurance of a minimum $20 million per occurrence or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of Transport or confirm willingness to obtain relevant insurance prior to executing a Funding Agreement.
Funding Contributions
- For dredging projects applicants must contribute at least 25% of the total project cost, with a maximum grant value of $500,000.
- For all other projects applicants must contribute at least 50% of the total project cost. Exceptions may be made with a minimum of 25% applicant contribution if justified.
- Contributions can include funds from other government agencies (excluding Transport for NSW), donations, and in-kind contributions such as materials or machinery use.
Assessment Criteria
- Direct Benefits to Boating Users (35% Weighting): Focus on benefits for boaters with mobility impairments and improved environmental outcomes.
- Support for Strategic Outcomes of the Maritime Infrastructure Plan (10% Weighting).
- Delivery Confidence (30% Weighting): The methodology and approach to deliver the project.
- Cost and Affordability (25% Weighting): Value for money and cost-effectiveness.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Assessment Panel
Not Applicable
Anticipated assessment outcome date is May 2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is May/June 2025
Support and contact
For more information or to make an enquiry, contact the project team: