Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: From $30,000 to $90,000
- Application opened: 27 January 2025
- Application closes: 16 March 2025
Program objective
The objective of the Aboriginal Languages Growth Program is to support:
- a focus on the deeper transmission of Aboriginal Languages,
- Aboriginal Communities to implement their Community Language Plans,
- the promotion, wider use, and appreciation of NSW Aboriginal Languages research, resources and study,
- build deeper, lasting and meaningful Language resilience through sustained practice and education, and
- enable Communities to sustainably lead and strengthen Aboriginal Language growth and nurturing.
This program is administered by Aboriginal Languages Trust.
Who can apply
To be eligible you must:
- Have received no less than two (2) ALT grant previously (excludes the Small Grant Program) and delivered these successfully.
- Be a not-for-profit, Aboriginal Community Organisation, working with Aboriginal Communities in NSW OR
- Be an Aboriginal sole trader whose primary business activity relates to NSW Languages (projects must not be profit making in nature) OR
- Be an Aboriginal Corporation registered under the Corporation (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) OR
- Be a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) OR
- Be a Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) OR
- Be an Incorporated Association (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Association’ or ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ in their legal name) OR
- Be an Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ’Cooperative’ in their legal name) OR
- Be an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust OR
- Be an Unincorporated Aboriginal group that has entered into a valid and current agreement with an eligible organisation to auspice the funding
- Have public liability insurance of at least $10 million per claim or be willing to purchase it and include the cost of insurance as part of the asked project budget within their application.
- Declare that there is / is not known actual or perceived conflict of interest with ALT staff, executives or Board Members
Applicants must be located in NSW and/or delivering a service to communities within NSW.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Not Applicable
When the project can start and end
Projects should adhere to the following timelines:1/07/2025 – 30/06/2027
The earliest possible commencement date for the project is 1 July 2025.
The latest possible end date for the project is 30 June 2027.
The project should be started by 1 July 2025 and the project must be completed by 30 June 2027.
What costs you can apply for
Funding can be used for projects that meet the aims and objectives of the Aboriginal Languages Growth Program.
Who can’t apply
The following are not eligible to apply:
• individuals.
• Federal, State or Local Government agency and/or body, including public schools and hospitals.
• School, University, TAFE, Adult and/or Adult and Community Education (ACE) organisation.
• for-profit organisations, including Aboriginal businesses (exception for certain Aboriginal sole trader businesses).
• unincorporated organisation or group without an eligible auspicing organisation (an eligible organisation must apply on behalf of the unincorporated group).
• organisation, group or sole trader that has not met project requirements, including acquittal and reporting for funding received from the Aboriginal Languages Trust in the previous two years.
• you have been found to have provided false or misleading information in applying for previous grants through the ALT.
Note: Applicants who are not eligible for funding cannot apply through an eligible organisation under an auspice arrangement. For example, an Aboriginal for-profit business, cannot apply for program funding through an auspice arrangement with an Aboriginal Community Not-for-Profit organisation.
What costs you can't apply for
Funding cannot be used for:
- Capital purchases, such as buildings, construction capital works including renovations, or purchase of land.
- Purchasing or leasing large equipment, including any type of vehicle.
- Buying a business or tools of trade.
- Sitting fees, travel allowance, or costs associated with membership of Board/Councils.
- International travel costs. Proposals for domestic travel need to demonstrate benefit to the project, organisation, or community.
- Costs that are not directly associated with the delivery of the project.
What your application needs to include
Not Applicable
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
1. History of successful delivery of Languages projects which benefit Community, delivered with ALT funding.
You should demonstrate this through:
- Proof of at least two (2) Languages projects previously delivered with ALT Funding (excludes Small Grant Program),
- Proof of Languages projects delivered, including description of the deliverables and outcomes met, and
- Evidence you were compliant with all ALT requirements.
Supporting evidence to be provided (provided as part of the eligibility check):
- Previous project outline (no more than 2),
- Statement from the applicant that previous project expectations were met, including a description of the deliverables and outcomes met, and
- Evidence of previous grant acquittal and end of project reporting.
2. Valid Aboriginal Languages Community Project Plan
You should demonstrate this through:
- Project Plan with:
- Projectschedule / key milestones
- Clearlydefined goals/outcomes (no more than 2-3) which are quantifiable and measurable and demonstrate meaningful Language outcomes to Community
- Descriptionof benefits the project proposes to deliver to the Community, including any new resources developed to support Languages.
- High-level estimated breakdown of project costs (indicative budget)
- Project risks (and how you propose to manage them)
- Key project team members (bio/CVs) OR
- Community Language Plan (should contain all the information in the above Project Plan, otherwise additional information may be requested)
Supporting evidence to be provided:
- Project Plan,OR
- Community Language Plan (with any additional information, if required)
3. Community Engagement and Evaluation Plan
You should demonstrate this through:
- Statement from the applicant of key Aboriginal Community stakeholders engaged/consulted on the Project proposal and their support for it
- Stakeholder Analysis – clearly identify Aboriginal Community stakeholders (and any other critical stakeholders i.e. education sector, wider Community, etc.), their interest or involvement in the project, and how they will be engaged in during the project
- Stakeholder evaluation plan linked to the goals/outcomes of the project and the metrics (described in the Project Plan as part of Assessment Criteria 2), incl. proposed feedback collection methods (surveys, interviews, observations, etc.) and schedule for evaluation activities to take place (during and post-project)
Start the application
The Aboriginal Languages Growth Program is an “open and competitive” multi-year grant program. This means the grant is open to all eligible applicants and applications are required to be submitted by a specific date. Eligible applications will be assessed on their comparative merits against assessment criteria and other applications.
The ALT will administer the Aboriginal Languages Growth Program using the electronic Management System, SmartyGrants, which enables the ALT to obtain sufficient information to verify applicant details, assess applications, and report on program outputs and outcomes. Applicants are encouraged to complete an online application form through the SmartyGrants Portal ( You will need to create a secure account with log in name and password.
Supporting documents will be required for inclusion in the application. Refer to Section 2 of this Guide for information on the specific Selection Criteria.
After an application is submitted, you will receive a notification of receipt from SmartyGrants.
Applicants can apply for multi-year grants. Applicants need to make it clear in their application that:
- they are applying for multiple years funding (to a maximum of two (2) years) for their project and the expected completion date,
- what milestones and outcomes will be completed each year, and
- the value of the grant funding they are applying for each year.
Applicants should be aware that multi-year grant funding will be provided annually for approved projects. Funds for the follow-on year will only be released, when evidence is provided that the grantee has successfully delivered the current years expected outcomes.
Applicants should also be aware that where funding is provided across multiple years, ALT will require evidence of satisfactory performance as part of any mid-term reporting requirements. Where a grantee fails to demonstrate to ALT satisfactory performance and delivery of expected outcomes during mid-term reporting, they may be required to repay the remaining Grant amount and the Funding Agreement may be varied or cancelled.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Executive Director, Aboriginal Languages Trust
Stage 1: Eligibility Cull
The ALT assessment team will screen all the applications against the program’s eligibility criteria. The applicant may be contacted for verification evidence or for further information at this stage, including positive affirmation that they do not meet any of the excluding criteria. If your application is found to be ineligible, you will be notified in writing that your application has been unsuccessful.
Stage 2: Assessment Criteria
Applications that pass the eligibility assessment will be referred to an Assessment Panel consisting of at least two (2) members, which may include:
- ALT staff,
- an independent representative with experience in grant administration, and
- Community Language practitioners.
Eligible applications will be assessed based on the assessment within two (2) weeks of the application close date. The Assessment Panel will:
- Review applications against the assessment criteria.
- Assess each application individually and then as a group.
- Assess evidence provided in support of an application.
- Prepare and submit an Assessment Panel report to the ALT Executive Director.
- On request, provide confidential verbal briefing to others in the approval process.
- Oversee the timelines and effectiveness of the assessment process.
The Departmental Delegate, Executive Director, ALT is the final decision maker based on the recommendations of the Assessment Panel.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is 24/04/2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is 09/05/2025
Support and contact
Aboriginal Languages Trust
Community Investment Team
1300 036 406