When a death is unexpected
Depending on the circumstances of the death, you may be entitled to claim compensation, get help with funeral expenses and access support services.
A death is referred to the coroner if it’s unexpected, or the cause of death is unusual or unclear. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to:
- get help with the funeral expenses
- claim compensation
- access support services.
Motor vehicle accident deaths
When someone dies as a result of a motor vehicle accident in NSW, the NSW Police and Coroner will get involved.
Relatives who depended on the person who has died, either financially or for a service, can apply for compensation. This is done through the compulsory third party (CTP) green slip insurance scheme.
Submit a compensation claim within 3 years of the accident.
You can also make a CTP claim for all or part of the cost of the funeral arrangements either before or after the funeral. The application needs to be submitted within 3 months of the motor vehicle accident in most cases.
Learn more about how to make a CTP claim for compensation at the State Insurance Regulatory Authority.
Work related deaths
When someone dies as a result of a work-related illness or injury, there may be involvement from:
- NSW Police
- NSW Coroner
- work safety authority.
The worker’s dependents or estate can apply for compensation.
The workers compensation insurer will investigate and determine liability. If a claim is accepted, workers compensation may cover:
- a lump sum payment
- support payments for dependent children
- funeral expenses up to $15,000.
Learn more about compensation in the event of a work-related death at the State Insurance Regulatory Authority.
Deaths from violent crime
When someone dies as a result of violent crime in NSW, there will be involvement from:
- NSW Police
- NSW Coroner
- Victims Services.
Family members of people who have died as a result of violent crime in NSW may be able to get support through the Victims Support Scheme.
This can include counselling, financial support and recognition payment.
Find out more about the Victims Support Scheme at Department of Communities and Justice.