
Employment information

My Career Planner

Discover the career that’s right for you and how you can make it happen. We want you to know all the options so you can make the best possible choices.

Rights and responsibilities at work

Essentials for employers and employees in NSW. Learn about leave, health and safety, employment records and other matters affected by workplace legislation.  Information from NSW Industrial Relations with links to related agencies and content.

Getting a job

Learn how to find a job, write a compelling resume and cover letter, and then successfully interview for the role you want.

Regional NSW, make the move

Regional NSW offers great opportunities for essential workers and their families. If you are looking to have more time for yourself and your family, or just want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, then make the move to regional NSW.

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People from 5 Government agencies walking in a line in uniform

The Welcome Experience

This new service provides essential workers and their families with the support they need to settle into regional communities and become one of the locals.

Benefits of Regional NSW

Imagine a career that not only rewards you, but lets you have an impact, connect to what matters, and live life your way.

Financial and career benefits

Not only can regional NSW be an amazing place to advance your career, but certain positions come with amazing financial and non-financial incentives.

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