Designed as a resource to support persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) and others with responsibilities under NSW work health and safety (WHS) laws, the NSW Code of Practice: Sexual and gender-based harassment outlines steps to identify and manage health and safety risks of sexual and gender-based harassment.
This includes practical strategies to:
- identify the drivers and risks of sexual and gender-based harassment
- implement effective prevention measures
- build processes to effectively respond to reports.
The code applies to all workplaces and work activities covered by NSW WHS laws. It is most effective when used alongside the NSW Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, as sexual and gender-based harassment often overlaps with other psychosocial hazards.
By following the code, businesses can better fulfill their WHS duties, protect their workers, and foster a culture of safety and respect.
View the NSW Code of Practice: Sexual and gender-based harassment