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Showing results 1 - 10 of 196 results
Indigenous Health Workers assist with the coordination and provision of health care delivery to Indigenous communities. Note data does not include ...
Accountants provide services relating to financial reporting, taxation, auditing, insolvency, accounting information systems, budgeting, cost ...
Accounting Clerks monitor creditor and debtor accounts, undertake related routine documentation, and calculate and investigate the cost of wages, ...
Advertising and Marketing Professionals develop and coordinate advertising strategies and campaigns, determine the market for new goods and ...
Aged and Disabled Carers provide general household assistance, emotional support, care and companionship for aged and disabled persons in their ...
Agricultural, Forestry and Horticultural Plant Operators operate agricultural, forestry and horticultural plant to clear and cultivate land, ...
Air Transport Professionals fly and navigate aircraft, control and direct air traffic to ensure the safe and efficient operation of aircraft ...
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics assemble, install, maintain and repair industrial, commercial and domestic airconditioning and refrigeration ...
Ambulance Officers and Paramedics provide emergency health care and transport for injured, sick, infirm and aged persons to medical facilities.
Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers organise, control and promote the activities, facilities and resources of amusement, fitness and ...
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