Natural disaster declarations from financial year 2021-22
This pages lists Local Government Areas (LGAs) that have been severely impacted by a natural disaster. With a disaster declaration for their area, affected communities and individuals can access a range of special assistance measures.
Disaster declarations are issued by the NSW Government and incorporate an Australian Government reference number (AGRN).
AGRN | Disaster types | Name of disaster | Local Government Area | Assistance available |
1025 | Severe Weather and Flooding | NSW Severe Weather and Flooding from 27 June 2022 onwards | Bayside Blacktown Blue Mountains Bogan Bourke Brewarrina Cabonne Camden Campbelltown Canterbury Bankstown Central Coast Cessnock Cowra Cumberland Dubbo Dungog Fairfield Georges River Hawkesbury Hornsby Kempsey Kiama Lake Macquarie Lithgow Liverpool Maitland Mid Coast Muswellbrook Nambucca Narromine Newcastle Northern Beaches Oberon Penrith Port Macquarie Hastings Parkes Parramatta Port Stephens Randwick Shellharbour Shoalhaven Singleton Strathfield Sutherland The Hills Upper Lachlan Walgett Warren Wingecarribee Wollondilly Wollongong | Primary producers: Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
1027 | Storm | Wingecarribee Severe Storm - 19 April 2022 | Wingecarribee | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
1014 | Storm and flood | Broken Hill Severe Thunderstorm 15 March 2022 | Broken Hill | Primary producers: Small business: Not-for-profit organisations: Sporting clubs: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
1012 | Severe weather and floods | NSW Severe Weather and Flooding from 22 February 2022 onwards | Armidale Ballina Bayside Bega Bellingen Blacktown Blue Mountains Byron Camden Campbelltown Canterbury Bankstown Central Coast Cessnock Clarence Valley Coffs Harbour Cumberland Dungog Eurobodalla Fairfield Georges River Glen Innes Severn Goulburn Mulwaree Hawkesbury Hornsby Inner West Kempsey Kiama Ku-Ring-Gai Kyogle Lake Macquarie Lismore Lithgow Liverpool Maitland MidCoast Mid-Western Muswellbrook Nambucca Newcastle Northern Beaches Parramatta Penrith Port Macquarie/Hastings Port Stephens Queanbeyan Palerang Richmond Valley Ryde Shellharbour Shoalhaven Singleton Snowy Monaro Strathfield Sutherland Tenterfield The Hills Tweed Upper Hunter Waverley Wingecarribee Willoughby Wollondilly Wollongong | Primary producers: Small business: Not-for-profit organisations: Sporting clubs: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $75,000 |
1001 | Storms and Floods | Southern NSW storms and floods from 5 January 2022 onwards | Albury Berrigan Bland Shire Blayney Shire Central Darling Shire Cootamundra Gundagai Shire Edward River Federation Shire Goulburn Mulwaree Greater Hume Shire Griffith Hay Shire Hilltops Junee Shire Leeton Lockhart Shire Narrandera Snowy Valleys Shire Temora Upper Lachlan Shire Weddin | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
996 | Storm | Lithgow severe storm and flash flooding as of 11 January | Lithgow | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
993 | Storm | Northern Beaches severe storm as of 19 December 2021 | Northern Beaches | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 |
992 | Storms and floods | NSW storms and floods from 30 July 2021 onwards | Forbes Upper Lachlan Shire | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
989 | Storm and Tornado | Narrabri storm and tornado of 30 September 2021 | Narrabri | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
987 | Severe weather and flooding | NSW severe weather and flooding 9 November 2021 onwards | Balranald Bathurst Bega Valley Berrigan Bland Blayney Blue Mountains Bogan Bourke Brewarrina Broken Hill Cabonne Central Darling Cobar Coonamble Cootamundra-Gundagai Cowra Dubbo Eurobodalla Federation Forbes Gilgandra Glen Innes Severn Goulburn-Mulwaree Greater Hume Gunnedah Gwydir Hilltops Inverell Kyogle Lachlan Shire Lismore Lithgow Liverpool Plains Lockhart Mid-Western Moree Plains Muswellbrook Narrabri Narromine Oberon Orange Parkes Port Macquarie Hastings Queanbeyan-Palerang Richmond Valley Shoalhaven Singleton Snowy Monaro Snowy Valleys Tamworth Tenterfield Upper Hunter Upper Lachlan Walcha Walgett Warren Warrumbungle Weddin Wentworth Yass Valley and Unincorporated Area of NSW | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
982 | Severe weather | Severe weather event across NSW from 23 October onwards | Wollondilly | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
981 | Storm and flood | NSW storms and floods from 22 August onwards | Oberon | |
980 | Severe weather | North East NSW severe weather from 20 October onwards | Coffs Harbour | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 |
979 | Storm | Armidale storm from October 14 2021 onwards | Armidale | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
975 | Storm and flood | NSW storms and floods from 16 July 2021 onwards | Glen Innes Severn Inverell | Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 1025 Disaster types Severe Weather and Flooding Name of disaster NSW Severe Weather and Flooding from 27 June 2022 onwards Local Government Area Bayside Blacktown Blue Mountains Bogan Bourke Brewarrina Cabonne Camden Campbelltown Canterbury Bankstown Central Coast Cessnock Cowra Cumberland Dubbo Dungog Fairfield Georges River Hawkesbury Hornsby Kempsey Kiama Lake Macquarie Lithgow Liverpool Maitland Mid Coast Muswellbrook Nambucca Narromine Newcastle Northern Beaches Oberon Penrith Port Macquarie Hastings Parkes Parramatta Port Stephens Randwick Shellharbour Shoalhaven Singleton Strathfield Sutherland The Hills Upper Lachlan Walgett Warren Wingecarribee Wollondilly Wollongong Assistance available Primary producers: Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 1027 Disaster types Storm Name of disaster Wingecarribee Severe Storm - 19 April 2022 Local Government Area Wingecarribee Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 1014 Disaster types Storm and flood Name of disaster Broken Hill Severe Thunderstorm 15 March 2022 Local Government Area Broken Hill Assistance available Primary producers: Small business: Not-for-profit organisations: Sporting clubs: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 1012 Disaster types Severe weather and floods Name of disaster NSW Severe Weather and Flooding from 22 February 2022 onwards Local Government Area Armidale Ballina Bayside Bega Bellingen Blacktown Blue Mountains Byron Camden Campbelltown Canterbury Bankstown Central Coast Cessnock Clarence Valley Coffs Harbour Cumberland Dungog Eurobodalla Fairfield Georges River Glen Innes Severn Goulburn Mulwaree Hawkesbury Hornsby Inner West Kempsey Kiama Ku-Ring-Gai Kyogle Lake Macquarie Lismore Lithgow Liverpool Maitland MidCoast Mid-Western Muswellbrook Nambucca Newcastle Northern Beaches Parramatta Penrith Port Macquarie/Hastings Port Stephens Queanbeyan Palerang Richmond Valley Ryde Shellharbour Shoalhaven Singleton Snowy Monaro Strathfield Sutherland Tenterfield The Hills Tweed Upper Hunter Waverley Wingecarribee Willoughby Wollondilly Wollongong Assistance available Primary producers: Small business: Not-for-profit organisations: Sporting clubs: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $75,000 |
AGRN 1001 Disaster types Storms and Floods Name of disaster Southern NSW storms and floods from 5 January 2022 onwards Local Government Area Albury Berrigan Bland Shire Blayney Shire Central Darling Shire Cootamundra Gundagai Shire Edward River Federation Shire Goulburn Mulwaree Greater Hume Shire Griffith Hay Shire Hilltops Junee Shire Leeton Lockhart Shire Narrandera Snowy Valleys Shire Temora Upper Lachlan Shire Weddin Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
AGRN 996 Disaster types Storm Name of disaster Lithgow severe storm and flash flooding as of 11 January Local Government Area Lithgow Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
AGRN 993 Disaster types Storm Name of disaster Northern Beaches severe storm as of 19 December 2021 Local Government Area Northern Beaches Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 |
AGRN 992 Disaster types Storms and floods Name of disaster NSW storms and floods from 30 July 2021 onwards Local Government Area Forbes Upper Lachlan Shire Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 989 Disaster types Storm and Tornado Name of disaster Narrabri storm and tornado of 30 September 2021 Local Government Area Narrabri Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 987 Disaster types Severe weather and flooding Name of disaster NSW severe weather and flooding 9 November 2021 onwards Local Government Area Balranald Bathurst Bega Valley Berrigan Bland Blayney Blue Mountains Bogan Bourke Brewarrina Broken Hill Cabonne Central Darling Cobar Coonamble Cootamundra-Gundagai Cowra Dubbo Eurobodalla Federation Forbes Gilgandra Glen Innes Severn Goulburn-Mulwaree Greater Hume Gunnedah Gwydir Hilltops Inverell Kyogle Lachlan Shire Lismore Lithgow Liverpool Plains Lockhart Mid-Western Moree Plains Muswellbrook Narrabri Narromine Oberon Orange Parkes Port Macquarie Hastings Queanbeyan-Palerang Richmond Valley Shoalhaven Singleton Snowy Monaro Snowy Valleys Tamworth Tenterfield Upper Hunter Upper Lachlan Walcha Walgett Warren Warrumbungle Weddin Wentworth Yass Valley and Unincorporated Area of NSW Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 Primary producer: Grants up to $50,000 |
AGRN 982 Disaster types Severe weather Name of disaster Severe weather event across NSW from 23 October onwards Local Government Area Wollondilly Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 981 Disaster types Storm and flood Name of disaster NSW storms and floods from 22 August onwards Local Government Area Oberon Assistance available |
AGRN 980 Disaster types Severe weather Name of disaster North East NSW severe weather from 20 October onwards Local Government Area Coffs Harbour Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant Small business: Grants up to $50,000 |
AGRN 979 Disaster types Storm Name of disaster Armidale storm from October 14 2021 onwards Local Government Area Armidale Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |
AGRN 975 Disaster types Storm and flood Name of disaster NSW storms and floods from 16 July 2021 onwards Local Government Area Glen Innes Severn Inverell Assistance available Primary producers: Sporting clubs: $2,000 grant |