Clarification of the Vocational Training Guideline “Credit Levels for TradeStart@TAFENSW “ - A Vocational Training Guideline.
Issued: 9 December 2005
On 11 August 2005 a Vocational Training Guideline (the Guideline) was issued in relation to the level of credit to be granted towards the nominal term of an apprenticeship for a student who has successfully completed a relevant TradeStart@TAFENSW course.
The Guideline states “An applicant apprentice who has successfully completed a TradeStart@TAFENSW course and who is a party to an apprenticeship training contract in a relevant recognised trade vocation will be accorded credit towards the nominal term of that apprenticeship at the level outlined on the attached schedule” (See links below for the original Guideline and schedule).
The intention in the Guideline is that the level of credit granted (3-12 months of the nominal term) occurs at the start of the apprenticeship ie at the issuing of a vocational training direction which occurs in the course of approving the establishment of a training contract.
To establish the successful completion of their TradeStart courses and allow the appropriate levels of credit to be determined, applicants will present their TAFE NSW transcript or testamur when they apply for a training contract. This identifies the course by number, which will match the course numbers listed in the Guideline.
Difficulties experienced by an individual applicant in relation to the granting of credit up front which cannot be resolved at the local State Training Centre level, should be referred to the Vocational Training Unit for consideration.