Note: Guidelines have been carried forward under the transitional provisions of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act, 2001.
In accordance with the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (A&T Act), the primary focus of the regulatory framework in NSW is to establish, maintain and protect entry level training standards and support equitable outcomes for young people seeking to enter an apprenticeship or traineeship. To assure compliance with the intent and purpose of the A&T Act, this guideline is issued to ensure the provision of a quality vocational education and training system to enhance the NSW skills base for industry and commerce.
This guideline applies to all host employer training arrangements, including part-time school based traineeships, established through a group training employer.
In approving a training arrangement proposed by a group training employer for the purpose of establishing an apprenticeship or traineeship pursuant to the A&T Act, the Commissioner for Vocational Training or delegated officer shall require specific information relating to all proposed host employment training placement(s). Such information is to be submitted by the proponent group training employer at the time of lodgement of the relevant training contract.
For the purposes of this guideline, a group training employer is defined as an employer who employs a person, as their common law employer, with the specific intention of:
- establishing that person in an apprenticeship or traineeship pursuant to the ICT Act, and
- hosting out the training of the apprentice or trainee to another employer or employers.
On lodgement of the VT5, the group training employer shall provide the name and address of the proposed initial host employer and any other subsequent host employers known at the time of lodgement.
In accordance with regulatory requirements, nominated host employer training arrangements may be monitored by the Commissioner for Vocational Training or delegated officer, in order to assure the quality of the approved training arrangements. Group training employers are required to cooperate with the Commissioner for Vocational Training or delegated officer in providing host employer placement data to facilitate such monitoring by the Commissioner for Vocational Training or delegated officer.
In approving applications to establish part-time traineeships, including school based traineeships, the Commissioner for Vocational Training or delegated officer(s) shall ensure that all such proposals strictly comply with this guideline. Applications, including part-time, school based traineeships, which do not meet the guideline requirements, will be refused.
Note: This guideline will be incorporated as an addendum to the Commissioner's Approval Requirements for the Establishment of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in New South Wales.
Director-General of Education and Training