Accelerated adult apprenticeships in the trades of Engineering (Mechanical) and Engineering (Fabrication) - A Vocational Training Guideline
Issued: 3 August 2004
Pursuant to Section 4 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Training Act 2001, the following guideline is issued in relation to the recognised trade vocations of Engineering (Mechanical) and Engineering (Fabrication) and the establishment of accelerated adult apprenticeships in these trades.
This Guideline shall apply to the functions relating to the making of vocational training directions concerning accelerated adult apprenticeships in the recognised trade vocations of Engineering (Mechanical) and Engineering (Fabrication) and shall be exercised by the Vocational Training Tribunal or the Commissioner for Vocational Training or the Commissioner’s delegate(s).
Two years credit towards the nominal term of the apprenticeship in these recognised trade vocations will be granted where the applicant apprentice can demonstrate:
- three years or more practical experience, in a related field of work, immediately prior to making the application; and
- competence to a minimum level of 32 weighted points, in accordance with the Metal and Engineering Training Package MEM98 packaging rules
The applicant’s competence may be assessed by a registered Metal, Engineering and Related Services (MERS), accredited assessor or a registered training organisation which has the relevant qualification within its scope of registration.
In the first instance, an application to establish a training contract for the applicant is to be submitted in the approved format to the Department of Education and Training.
The application must be supported with appropriate documentary evidence of the learner’s competence to a minimum level of 32 weighted points and three years or more relevant industry experience. Applicants may then apply for a vocational training direction to have the term of their training contract reduced.
Under the terms of the Act and for the purpose of this Guideline, an adult apprentice is deemed to be a person of at least 24 years of age.
Andrew Cappie-Wood
Director-General of Education and Training
Managing Director of TAFE NSW