Issued: 20 December 2001
Reviewed: 21 January 2010
- Agreement between the parties to a suspension of the apprenticeship must be mutual.
- Application to Suspend an Apprenticeship or Traineeship (VT13) is to be used to facilitate administration and to ensure the parties to the agreement have access to their obligations and responsibilities under the terms of the agreement.
- ALL details required on the form are to be completed.
- Initial suspensions should not exceed three (3) months unless the period of suspension is for circumstances where the parties are unable to meet the conditions set down in the VT13 at item 2. Eg. extended leave, illness etc.
- Consecutive suspensions beyond a total of six (6) months absence for reasons such as lack of work should be discouraged. Where the parties insist on such arrangements the matter is to be referred to the Commissioner.
- A copy of the completed form is to be attached to the apprentice's/trainees file.
- Industry Training Coordinators are to be advised of all suspension agreements.
- A copy of the suspension agreement is to be maintained with a register of suspensions in each office and made available to the Commissioner on request.
- All suspensions by consent should be reviewed prior to the scheduled date for a return to work to ascertain whether the parties have met their obligations in relation to the conditions of the suspension and to advise them, if necessary, in relation to further suspending the apprenticeship.
- Suspensions exceeding six (6) months must be referred to the Vocational Training Tribunal.
- Where a suspension has no adverse effect on the apprentice's progress, the time lost through suspension may be accepted as time served towards the apprenticeship.
- Apprentices should not be pressured by employers to exhaust accrued leave entitlements rather than enter into suspension arrangements.
- Both parties to the suspension agreement are obligated to undertake any provision prescribed in the Form VT13 (November 2001).
- In all cases either party may notify the Commissioner within 7 days from lodgement that they withdraw their consent to the suspension.
Commissioner for Vocational Training