In this bulletin:
Date of effect: 13 February 2019
In this Commissioner's Information Bulletin national qualification codes for three qualification codes have been updated: AUM20118, AUM20218 and AUM30218 in the AUMv2.0 Automotive Manufacturing Training Package. All qualifications are deemed equivalent.
All other information remains unchanged for the VTOs.
Superseded Bulletin
This Commissioner's Information Bulletin supersedes Bulletin 568.
The Commissioner for Vocational Training.
Vocational training orders
Date of effect:
30 November 2013
13 February 2019
AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus/Truck/Trailer
Terms of apprenticeship
Full time:
AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus/Truck/Trailer
- 48 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus/Truck/Trailer where the apprentice holds AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus/Truck/Trailer
- 30 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus/Truck/Trailer by direct entry
- 72 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus/Truck/Trailer where the apprentice holds AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus/Truck/Trailer
- 45 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
See part-time apprenticeships and traineeships
Note: Apprentices are able to progress through the apprenticeship on the achievement of competencies rather than time served.
For an explanation of how to apply the competency based progression model to the apprenticeship, see Competency based progression above.
School based
The term for a school based apprenticeship will be the school based component plus 36 months full-time post-school, or until the relevant competencies are achieved. The school based component will be calculated in months from the date of commencement to 31 December of the HSC year. During the school based component of the apprenticeship the school based apprentice must undertake a minimum of 130 days of on-the-job training.
The apprentice’s progress post-school will be determined as per Stage 2 of the apprenticeship model above.
Probationary period
3 months
Date of effect
13 November 2013
21 February 2014
AUM40113 Certificate IV in Automotive Manufacturing
AUM50113 Diploma of Automotive Manufacturing
Terms of traineeships
Full time:
AUM40113 Certificate IV in Automotive Manufacturing
- 24 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
AUM50113 Diploma of Automotive Manufacturing
- 24 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
Probationary period
2 months
Date of effect:
13 November 2013
13 February 2019
AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus/Truck/Trailer
Terms of traineeships
Full time:
- 18 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
See part-time apprenticeships and traineeships
School based
The term for a school based traineeship will be calculated in months from the date of commencement to 31 December of the HSC year. During this period the school based trainee must undertake a minimum of 130 days of on-the-job training.
Probationary period
2 months
Date of effect
13 November 2013
13 February 2019
AUM20118 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Passenger Motor Vehicle
Terms of traineeship
Full time:
- 12 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
See part-time apprenticeships and traineeships
Probationary period
2 months
Date of effect
13 November 2013
21 February 2014
AUM30113 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Passenger Motor Vehicle
Terms of traineeship
Full time:
- 24 months or until the relevant competencies are achieved
See part-time apprenticeships and traineeships
Probationary period
2 months
Job descriptions
Certificate III reflects the role of individuals in the production of bus, truck and trailer and components manufacture. People who hold this qualification may work as tradespersons, managers or be self-employed. Job roles may include:
- Automotive Manufacturing Technician
- Vehicle Body Builder Technician
- Coach Builder Technician
- Sub Assembly Technician
Certificate IV reflects the role of master technicians in the automotive manufacturing sector. The qualification for automotive manufacturing industries, including passenger motor vehicle and bus, truck and trailer.
Diploma level reflects the role of individuals who perform a range of specialist roles in the automotive manufacturing sector. This may involve undertaking a range of complex and non-routine tasks with substantial self-direction and judgement, including leadership of others.
Certificate II reflects the role of individuals who perform a range of tasks in the manufacturing sector. The range of technical skills and knowledge is limited. The qualification is suitable for entry into the automotive manufacturing industry.
Job roles r may include:
- Automotive Body Builder
- Production Worker
- Component Assembler
Certificate II reflects passenger vehicle production roles in the automotive manufacturing industry. These may include undertaking a range of limited supervisory tasks with accountability for the quality outcomes. The qualification is suitable for entry into the automotive manufacturing industry.
Job roles for Automotive Manufacturing Production - Passenger Motor Vehicle may include:
- Product Assembler
- Vehicle Body Assembler
- Vehicle Production Worker
- Component Assembler
- Warehouse and Material Logistics
Certificate III reflects the role of individuals in passenger vehicle production roles in the automotive manufacturing industry. This may include performing a range of supervisory or specialist roles, such as quality specialist, process specialist, team leader or production supervisor. The qualification is suitable for entry into the automotive manufacturing industry.
Job roles may include:
- Product/Component Assembler
- Vehicle Body Assembler
- Vehicle Production Worker
- Team Leader/Production Supervisor
- Quality Specialist
- Process Specialist
More about Automotive Manufacturing - Apprenticeships and Traineeships
The AUM Automotive Manufacturing Training Package includes the following qualifications that support apprenticeship and traineeship pathways:
- AUM20118 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Passenger Motor Vehicle
- AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus/Truck/ Trailer
- AUM30113 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Passenger Motor Vehicle*
- AUM40113 Certificate IV in Automotive Manufacturing *
- AUM50113 Diploma of Automotive Manufacturing *
Entry requirements
* These qualifications have entry requirements.
Under Training Services transition arrangements, a superseded qualification can be specified on apprenticeship and traineeship applications for up to six months after new or updated Vocational Training Orders come into effect.
Registered training organisations (RTOs) may commence training in either the new or superseded qualification but must meet the requirements of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to update the enrolment of their students to the current qualification before the qualification expiry date, generally 12 months after the current qualification has been added to the national register. For more information refer to the revised Standards for RTOs 2015 as specified by ASQA.
Applications under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 to establish an apprenticeship or traineeship, whether full-time, part-time or school based will not be approved unless the Commissioner for Vocational Training is satisfied that appropriate industrial arrangements are in place.
Apprentices and trainees may be employed under the following awards:
- Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020*
- Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2020 *
All private sector employers and employees in New South Wales are covered by the national industrial relations system administered by the Fair Work Commission (the Commission). The industrial instrument that applies is a national (modern) award or a current enterprise agreement registered with the Commission. Further information is available from the Fair Work Ombudsman by telephoning 13 13 94 or via their website.
*Competency Based Progression applies to apprentices employed under these awards.
Vocational Training Orders marked with a hash #
Repair work undertaken by apprentices engaged in apprenticeship vocations marked with an hash # must be employed by a licensed motor vehicle repairer and under the supervision of a person holding a tradesperson’s certificate (Note: this is a licence category) in the class of repair work being undertaken pursuant to Section 15 and 16 of the NSW Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013and the Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014.
Note: Classes of repair work and the scope of repair work applicable for each repair class is prescribed in Cause 34 of the Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014.
Vocational Training Orders marked with a double hash ##
Repair work undertaken by apprentices or trainees engaged in apprenticeship or traineeship vocations marked with an hash ## may be exempt from the licencing and industry regulatory requirements discussed above where the repair work is limited to certain vehicles exempted by clause 4 or the work exempted by clause 35 of the Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014. Where work being undertaken is NOT exempt under clause 4 or 35, the requirements of hash # apply.
Competency based progression for apprenticeships
Apprentices employed under the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020 and Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2020 are able to progress through the apprenticeship on the achievement of competencies rather than time served.
The rate of progress is based on the nominal term of direct entry or advanced entry (where the apprentice holds a lower level qualification specified in the VTO) into the apprenticeship.
For information on the competency based progression model and the rates of progress see below.
Note: Competency based progression (CBP) applies to apprentices employed under any award that incorporates CBP provisions - for more information see Industrial arrangements.
Apprenticeships with a full-time nominal term of 48 months or part-time nominal term of 72 months - direct entry.
The rate of progress will be determined as follows:
Stage of apprenticeship | Entry,progression and exit requirements |
Stage 1 | Nil entry requirements. |
Progression to Stage 2 | Full-time and part-time apprentices progress to stage 2:
Progression to Stage 3 | Full-time and part-time apprentices progress to Stage 3:
Progression to Stage 4 | Full-time and part-time apprentices progress to Stage 4:
Exit |
Apprenticeships with a full-time nominal term of 30 months or part-time nominal term of 45 months – reduced from full-time nominal term of 48 months where the apprentice holds the lower level qualification specified in the VTO.
The rate of progress will be determined as follows:
Stage of apprenticeship | Entry,progression and exit requirements |
Apprentices enter Stage 2 | |
Progression to Stage 3 | Full-time and part-time apprentices progress to Stage 3:
Progression to Stage 4 | Full-time and part-time apprentices progress to Stage 4:
Exit |
On successful completion of the relevant qualification
- parties may apply to the Commissioner for Vocational Training for completion of the apprenticeship/traineeship prior to the nominal completion date of the training contract or;
- Training Services may issue letters from the Commissioner to both parties inviting them to consider competency based completion if it has received advice from the training organisation that the apprentice or trainee is eligible to receive their qualification.
Download a Request for Competency Based Completion form.
Hours of work
Part-time apprentices must be given at least 21 hours of paid employment per week. The hours of employment are to include any time required to complete training and assessment by a registered training organisation as specified in the relevant training plan. These hours can be averaged over a four week period.
When the registered training organisation is in recess, the 21 hours per week can be weighed in favour of on-the-job training. If and when formal training is delivered by block release, the 21 hours can be weighted in favour of the off-the-job training.
Training contract term
The term of training for a part time apprenticeship is specified in the relevant Vocational Training Order. It is based on the formula of the term of a full-time apprenticeship multiplied by 1.5. This formula will also be applied when converting a full-time apprenticeship to a part-time apprenticeship or on re-establishing an apprenticeship on a part-time basis.
Formal training
Delivery of the formal training should not be affected by the proposed part-time arrangements. However, when developing the training plan the registered training organisation should consider the number of employment hours specified in the training contract and the term of the apprenticeship.
Other provisions
All other provisions that apply to full-time apprenticeships as stated in the relevant Vocational Training Order must apply to a part-time apprenticeship established under that Order.
Note: In consultation with the Automotive Training Board NSW, the number of days of on-the-job training for school based part-time apprenticeships and traineeships has increased from 100 days to 130 days.
The following qualifications are suitable for delivery in schools:
- AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations -Bus/Truck/Trailer is available for delivery as a school based apprenticeship
- AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production -Bus/Truck/Trailer is suitable for delivery as a school based traineeship
For qualifications available for delivery in schools, click here.
For further information on the delivery of training for school based part-time apprenticeships and school based part-time traineeships, refer to Training Arrangements.
For registered training providers which can deliver the apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications go to
A list of training organisations which are in contract with the NSW Department of Education to be paid for the delivery of the training is here.
When developing Training Plans, registered training providers should ensure that the training program satisfies the qualification packaging requirements and at the same time, reflects the nature of the business. Training Plans should be customised so that workplace activities support and align with the qualification units of competency.
From 1 January 2015 the NSW Government introduced new fee arrangements for government subsidised vocational education and training (VET). Under Smart and Skilled, all apprenticeship and most traineeship qualifications are subsidised. For a full list of all the qualifications refer to the current NSW Skills List. Information on the types and levels of subsidies can be found in the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy. Training for existing-worker trainees is not subsidised.
A copy of each Vocational Training Order is available for inspection on this internet site below or at any Training Services centre of the NSW Department of Education.
Contacts and enquiries
To sign up an apprentice or trainee call 1800 020 108. To find a job in an apprenticeship or traineeship search here.
For implementation of new pathways in relation to this Training Package profile, please contact Debbie Joyce, Automotive Training Board (NSW) ITAB on mobile 0419 436 685.
For additional questions contact us.
Email: Online enquiry form
Phone: 13 28 11