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Stage 4 item
Samples of effective documentary evidence
The following evidence item provides a sample of effective documentary evidence at the Proficient Teacher level of the Standards.
It includes:
- details about the item, including the stage and Evidence Category
- the Standard Descriptors achieved
- the annotation.
NESA comments outline how each item meets the characteristics of effective documentary evidence.
The sample is not definitive and should not be applied in a prescriptive way or used as a checklist or template.
Standard Descriptors achieved
- 6.2.2 - Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
- 6.4.2 - Undertake professional learning programs designed to address identified student learning needs.
Teacher’s annotation – Stage 4 item
The task
Completion of the anaphylaxis e-training, as recorded in my professional learning log demonstrates that I actively engage in professional learning activities to ensure the wellbeing and safety of students and staff within my school.
This specific professional learning has enabled me to refresh and update my knowledge of the recommended approach to prevention, recognition and emergency treatment of anaphylaxis as a result of my completion of this training.
There are no students in Stage 4 with an anaphylaxis healthcare plan however, our staff communication and record keeping systems have enabled me to be aware of the students with anaphylaxis healthcare plans across the school, as guided by the Anaphylaxis Procedures for Schools 2012 and the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Action Plans (6.4.2).
- My professional learning log demonstrates that I participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
- My participation in the ICT update session helped me to update my knowledge and skills aligned to the school Strategic Directions of Innovative Teaching and Learning.
- The integration of effective information and communication technologies is a priority for our whole school (6.2.2).
- This professional learning opportunity also enabled me to develop my knowledge and use of a wider repertoire of teaching strategies to engage the students more effectively in their learning, a need that has been identified across this year’s Stage 4 cohort.
The Stage 4 and 5 students have responded positively to the sense of autonomy that Google Classroom and Google Slides gives them and this has resulted in increased levels of engagement and participation (6.4.2).
Our Learning Support Team identified that there was a need to streamline the process we take to connect identified children and their families to relevant specialist services. In Term 3, I represented our school at a meeting that was delivered by a representative from Family Referral Services. The meeting helped me to broaden my knowledge about how to provide advocacy and support to parents/carers regarding their children's wellbeing and learning. As a result of the professional learning, I have a clearer understanding of the process that we need to take as a school to refer students/families/carers to specialist services and I shared this information with our school Learning Support Team. My participation in this professional/community support network and following feedback has informed my own learning as well as the processes that our Learning Support Team take to connect identified children and their families to relevant specialist services (6.2.2).
NESA's comments
Accurate reflection of the Standard Descriptors
The professional development log accurately reflects the practice described by Standard Descriptors 6.2.2 and 6.4.2. The content and reflection noted in the professional development log demonstrates that the teacher has participated in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school/system priorities, ie training to update knowledge about the recommended approach in preventing, recognising and treating anaphylaxis in an emergency situation (Standard Descriptor 6.2.2). The language used in the annotation accurately relates the practice described by the selected Standard Descriptors to the professional development log. The annotation provides further explanation about how specific professional development activities supported the development of knowledge and practice targeted to specific school and system priorities (Standard Descriptor 6.2.2).
The content and reflection within the professional development log demonstrates that the teacher has undertaken professional learning designed to address identified student learning needs, ie increasing the engagement and participation of Stage 4 students through the use of online collaborative technologies (Standard Descriptor 6.4.2). The annotation provides further explanation about how the specific professional development activities have addressed identified student learning needs (Standard Descriptor 6.4.2).
Visible demonstration of teacher practice
The professional development log demonstrates that the teacher participated in learning to update knowledge and practice and that they have a sound understanding of the Standards. The teacher related new learning to the relevant Standard Descriptors and reflected on how they applied the learning to their own context to address student learning needs. The inclusion of meeting notes or a certificate of completion could further demonstrate that the teacher engaged in the practice described by the selected Standard Descriptors, ie participate in/undertake professional learning.
Impact on child/student learning
In the professional development log, the teacher describes the impact the professional learning activities had on student learning, however impact on student learning is not demonstrated in the item of evidence itself. Student work samples/evaluated lesson plans/assessment information/student feedback relating to the professional learning activity could demonstrate impact on child/student learning more effectively.
Effective annotations
The annotation clearly explains how the professional learning log has been used by the teacher to demonstrate the practice described in Standard Descriptors 6.2.2 and 6.4.2. As an example, the teacher identifies how they applied the learning, which focused on the effective implementation of innovative learning and teaching strategies. In the annotation, the teacher also explains that this has been identified as a school priority, thereby demonstrating the practice described in Standard Descriptor 6.2.2.
The annotation explains the impact the teacher's professional learning has had on student learning. As an example, the annotation explains how the teacher used specific online collaborative technologies following a professional learning activity. Use of the new technology tools resulted in increased levels of student engagement and participation, previously identified as a need across the cohort. The annotation reflects the practice and impact described in Standard Descriptor 6.4.2, by undertaking professional learning programs designed to address identified student learning needs.
Reflective practice
The professional learning log includes a reflection by the teacher following each professional learning activity. The teacher reflects on the content of the professional learning and briefly explains how it relates it to the practice described in specific Standard Descriptors.
The teacher has successfully demonstrated reflective practice by explaining how they have applied the new learning and the impact this had on teaching practice and student learning.