The list of approved training providers will be updated from time to time, as necessary. The list is current as of 22 January 2025.
Contact the training providers to find out more.
Actuate Leadership
- contact: Dr Steve Bagi
- call: 0433 371 614
- email:
- website:
Approved courses | Duration |
Healthy School Boards: Understanding how individual strengths and healthy relationships contribute to the effectiveness of the Board | 4 hours |
Anglican Schools Corporation
- contact: Mr Andrew Bardsley
- call: 0439 543 268
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1: Governance of NSW non-government schools | 2 hours |
Module 2: Effective School Council processes | 2 hours |
Association of Independent Schools of NSW
- contact: Gareth Scott - Manager: Governance
- call: (02) 92992845
- email:
Governance Online Modules
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1: An Introduction to Independent Schools | 1 hour |
Module 2: Critical Priorities of the Board | 1 hour |
Module 3: An Introduction to Legal Compliance | 1 hour |
Module 4: An Introduction to Financial Compliance | 1 hour |
Module 5: Executive Supervision - The Board/Principal Relationship | 1 hour |
Module 6: Risk Management | 1 hour |
Module 7: Child Protection | 1 hour |
Module 8: Strategic Thinking in Schools | 1 hour |
Module 9: Reputation Risk | 1 hour |
Module 10: Child Safe Schools - Values, Behaviours and Cultures | 1 hour |
Module 11: Financial Governance Part 1 | 1 hour |
Module 12: Financial Governance Part 2 | 1 hour |
Module 14: Maintaining Your School’s Not-for-Profit Status | 2 hours |
Governance Workshop Sessions
Approved courses | Duration |
Session One School Governance: The Independent Sector | 2 hours |
Session Two School Governance: Current and Emerging Issues | 2 hours |
Session Three Governance for Independent Schools: Key responsibilities | 2 hours |
Session Four: Managing Risk - Part 1 | 2 hours |
Session Five: Managing Risk - Part 2 | 2 hours |
Session Six: Executive Supervision | 2 hours |
Session Seven: Strategy | 2 hours |
Session Eight: Financial Governance - Part 1 | 2 hours |
Session Nine: Financial Governance - Part 2 | 2 hours |
Session Ten: Reputation Risk | 2 hours |
Session Eleven: The School’s Legal Structure | 2 hours |
Session Twelve Keeping Children Safe: Understanding the Dynamics of Child Abuse | 2 hours |
Session Thirteen: Defining School Success | 2 hours |
AISNSW Governance Symposium, (30 September 2022), (22 September 2023), (15 April 2024) | 6 hours |
Board Effectiveness and School Performance (School Governance Improvement Tool) | 2 hours |
Navigating the Intersections: The School Board’s Role in Data Governance, Privacy and AI | 2 hours |
Not If, But When: The School Board’s Role in Cyber | 2 hours |
Work Health and Safety Duties for School Boards | 2 hours |
Governing for Organisational Integrity: Values and Culture for Independent School Boards | 2 hours |
Navigating Uncertainty: Crisis Management for Independent School Boards | 2 hours |
Australian Institute of Company Directors
- contact: Philip Latham
- call: (02) 8248 2711
- email:
- website:
Approved courses | Duration |
Company Directors Course | 40 hours |
Foundations of Directorship | 24 hours |
Governance Foundations for NFP Directors | 16 hours |
Governance Essentials | 3.5 hours |
Developing your Director Career | 5x1 hour webinars |
Governing to Protect Vulnerable People | 8 hours |
The Board’s Role in Cyber | 9.5 hours |
Financial governance for school boards – Unlocking the path to sustainability | 1 hour |
School Governance: Director insights to strategy and risk beyond 2024 | 1 hour webinar |
Care Governance: Achieving Quality Outcomes | 6.5 hours |
The Role of the Chair | 6 hours |
School Board Governance series
Approved courses | Duration |
Part 1 – The role of the school board director | 1 hour webinar |
Part 2 – Strategy for school boards | 1 hour webinar |
Part 3 – Risk oversight for school boards | 1 hour webinar |
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
- contact: Michelle Feros
- call: 0409 467 810
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Cyber-attack Response Scenario | 2 hours |
Whistleblower Training Workshop | 1 hour webinar |
Respect@Work | 1 hour webinar |
BBSafe – Building Blocks of Safeguarding Culture
- contact: Sarah Lim
- call: 0433 051 282
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Governing For Safety: What School Boards Should Be Asking About Institutional Safeguarding | 2 hours |
Bond University
- contact: Ms Hannah Pilkington
- call: (07) 5595 5895
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
ASBA: The Role and Function of the Board | 4 hours |
ASBA: Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Officers | 4 hours |
ASBA: Risk Management | 5 hours |
ASBA: Financial Governance | 4 hours |
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay - Catholic Schools Office
- contact: Ms Suzanne Waters
- call: (02) 9847 0344
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Diocesan Governance: Structures and Processes | 3 hours |
Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions | 2 hours |
Risk Management | 3 hours |
Financial Governance | 4 hours |
Strategy and Risk | 4.5 hours |
Induction | 5 hours |
Risk Management (Reputation) | 4 hours |
Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle - Catholic Schools Office (CSO)
- contact: Gina O'Brien
- call: (02) 4931 1204
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Diocesan Governance structures and processes | 4 hours |
Governance case studies | 4 hours |
Risk management | 3 hours |
Financial governance | 4 hours |
Responsible Person Induction | 3 hours |
Good Governance: Annual Refresher Training | 4.5 hours |
Annual risk profiling | 1 hour |
Annual financial performance | 1 hour |
Reputational Risk – Standards, compliance and quality assurance | 1 hour |
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst
- contact: Damien Carlton
- call: 02 6338 3000
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module A: Governance Big Picture and Diocesan Structure | 2 hours |
Module B: Governance specifics | 2 hours |
Module C: Risk Management | 2 hours |
Module D: Financial Governance | 2 hours |
Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga
- contact: Elizabeth Latham
- call: P: (02) 6937 0000 M: 0412 222 236
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1: Diocesan Governance Structures and Processes | 4 hours |
Module 2: Governance case studies: 1. Procurement within Modern Slavery Legislation 2. Privacy for Schools 3. Catholic Social Teachings to Guide Governance Decisions | 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour |
Module 5: Responsible Persons Induction | 3 hours |
Catholic Schools NSW
- contact: Audrey Bower
- website:
- call: (02) 9287 1532
- email:
CSNSW Responsible Persons Induction Courses
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1 – The Legal and Regulatory Environment for NSW Catholic Schools | 1 hour |
Module 2 – An Introduction to School Governance | 1 hour |
Module 3 – Risk, Compliance and Policy Management | 1 hour |
Module 4 – Other Obligations of Responsible Persons | 1 hour |
Governance Training Modules
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 5 – School Culture Good Governance and Stewardship | 1 hour |
Module 6 – Financial Stewardship and Compliance in Catholic Schools | 1 hour |
Approved courses | Duration |
CSNSW Online Governance Training Modules: Module 1 – Privacy Training for Responsible Persons | 1 hour |
CSNSW Online Governance Training Modules: Module 2 – Conflicts of Interest Training for Responsible Persons | 1 hour |
CSNSW Online Governance Training Modules: Module 3 – Not-for-Profit (s 83C) Training for Responsible Persons | 1 hour |
CSNSW Inaugural Education Law Symposium 'Catholic School Governance in the 21st Century' (30 September 2019) | 6 hours |
CSNSW 2021 Education Law Symposium, ‘Catholic School Governance for the Common Good’ (23 September 2021) | 6 hours |
CSNSW 2022 Education Law Symposium, ‘Catholic School Governance: In the Spirit of Service’ (29 September 2022) | 5 hours |
CSNSW 2023 Education Law Symposium, ‘Striving for Excellence, Catholic School Governance and Accountability’ (6 July 2023) | 6 hours |
2024 Education Law Symposium, 'Catholic School Governance, Shaping Our Future' | 6 hours |
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese Limited
- contact: Michael Pruyn
- call: (02) 9407 7010
Approved courses | Duration |
Privacy Training | 1 hour |
Responsible Person Forum | 5.5 hours |
Business Managers Forum | 3.5 hours |
System Leaders’ Breakfast (10 May 2022) | 0.5 hours |
Safeguarding – New Leaders Training | 4 hours |
Board of Directors: Responsible Persons Induction | 4 hours |
Risk Management Awareness Training Module | 1 hour |
Christian Education National (CEN)
- contact: Ms Kathy Pereira
- call: (02) 5773 5800
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Annual Governance Conference | 8.5 hours |
NSW Board Induction (responsible persons) course | 6 hours |
Board Basics | 2 hours |
Board Foundations | 1 hour |
Board Functions | 17 hours |
Board Performance | 1 hour |
Christian Schools Australia Limited (CSA)
- contact: Dr Maria Varlet
- call: (02) 6257 7989
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Responsible Officer Induction Course | 4 hours |
The School Governance Environment Module | 4 hours |
Legal Responsibilities of Boards | 4 hours |
Facilitated Risk Workshop | 4 hours |
Short Course 1: Practice of Good Governance MD1 – Foundations of Governance MD2 – Legal Framework MD3 – Decision making and board processes | 6 hours |
Short Course 2: Monitoring of Governance MD4 – Financial Reporting MD5 – Financial Performance MD6 – Principal and Executive oversight | 6 hours |
Short Course 3: Performance and Conformance MD7 – The Board’s Role in Strategy MD8 – Risk oversight MD9 – Compliance and Policy Roles of the Board | 6 hours |
Short Course 4: Governance Sustainability MD10 – Stakeholder communication MD11 – Board effectiveness MD12 – Behaviour and governance | 6 hours |
Christian Schools National Policy Forum Symposium 2021 | 5 hours |
Risk and Compliance in Schools | 4 hours |
Responsible Officer Development Program – Module 7A: Facilitated Risk Workshop | 4 hours |
Corporate Governance Systems
- contact: Mr Chris Bertinshaw
- call: 0417 212 969
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
School Council Governance Course | 4 hours |
Governance for ASC School Councillors | 4 hours |
Effective Leadership of the School Council | 3 hours |
Risk: Issues for School Councils | 3 hours |
Understanding School Finances | 4 hours |
Strategic Planning for School Councils | 3 hours |
Evaluating the School Council and the Principal | 3 hours |
The NESA Manual and School Governance | 6 hours |
Good Samaritan Education
- contact: Ms Jane Comensoli
- website:
- call: 0410 584 099
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1 - Purpose of Not-for-Profit Nature and Accountability to Members | 1.5 hours |
Module 2 - Not-for-Profit Guidelines for Non-Government Schools | 1.5 hours |
Module 3A - Relationship with GSE: Structure and Reporting | 1.5 hours |
Module 3B - Relationship with the GSE Community | 1.5 hours |
Module 4 - Governance Policies and Procedures | 1.5 hours |
Module 5 - Compliance with Australian Law | 1.5 hours |
Module 6 - Managing Risk | 1.5 hours |
Module 7A - Responsible Persons: Suitability of Responsible Persons | 1.5 hours |
Module 7B - Responsible Persons: Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions | 1.5 hours |
Module 8A - Strategic Planning | 1.5 hours |
Module 8B - Strategic Planning | 1.5 hours |
Governance Institute of Australia
- contact: Sally Graham
- website:
- call: (03) 8611 1423
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Assessing, Analysing and Treating Risk | 3.5 hours |
Duties of Officers and Directors | 3.5 hours |
Governance and Risk Management | 3.5 hours |
Governance Essentials | 3.5 hours |
Legal Framework of Governance | 3.5 hours |
Meeting Compliance Requirements | 3.5 hours |
Minutes for Boards and Committees | 3.5 hours |
Not-for-Profit Financial Management | 3.5 hours |
Not-for-Profit Officers, Directors and the Board | 3.5 hours |
Not-for-Profit Regulatory Compliance | 3.5 hours |
Risk Management Essentials | 3.5 hours |
Risk Management Frameworks | 3.5 hours |
Security Risk | 3.5 hours |
GovernRight Pty Ltd
- contact: Mr Simon Neaverson
- website:
- call: (02) 9223 8800
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
The Challenge of Modern School Governance | 4 hours |
Building Governance Beyond Compliance for Schools | 4 hours |
Embedding Modern Governance for Schools:
| 12 hours total:
- contact: Ms Bri Mahony
- website:
- call: 0427 725 899
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Governance Evaluation | 1 hour |
Development & Skills Matrix | 1 hour |
Ideagen CompliSpace
- contact: Mrs Melissa Larsson
- website:
- call: 1300 132 090
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Governance for Non-Government Schools (NSW) | 1 hour |
The NSW Education Act and Non-Government School Registration Requirements | 1 hour |
Enterprise Risk Management for Schools | 1 hour |
Schools and the Law | 1 hour |
Conflicts of interest and related party transactions | 1 hour |
Codes of Conduct | 1 hour |
Responsible Persons Induction Program: Governance 1: Overview of NSW Non-Government School Requirements | 1 hour |
Responsible Persons Induction Program: Governance 2: Specific Issues | 1 hour |
Harmonised Work Health and Safety for Schools | 1 hour |
Integroe Partners Pty Ltd
- contact: Mr Paul Davis
- call: (02) 9181 5001
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Foundations for Good Governance | 6 hours |
Risk Oversight for School Boards | 6 hours |
Child Safety Priorities for School Boards | 6 hours |
Setting the Strategic Direction | 6 hours |
Jesuit Education Australia (JEA)
- contact: Ms Jennie Hickey
- call: 0400 705 085
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1: Induction | 5 hours |
Module 2: Financial Literacy and Future Financial Planning | 3 hours |
Module 3: Introduction Program for responsible persons | 6 hours |
Module 4: Being a Responsible Person for a Jesuit owned entity | 6 hours |
Module 5: Being Responsible People | 6 hours |
Montessori Australia Organisation Limited
- contact: Ms Elizabeth Goor
- call: 0412 457 660
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Module 1– Orientate to the governance course regarding outcomes and requirements | 0.5 hours |
Module 2 – Think Big Picture: Interrelationships and the impact on good governance | 0.5 hours |
Module 3 – Explain integrated elements addressed in their governance framework | 0.5 hours |
Module 4 – Reflect on the school’s viability through financial analysis, planning and monitoring | 0.75 hours |
Module 5 – Support instructional leadership | 0.25 hours |
Nexia Sydney Group Pty Ltd
- contact: Lester Wills
- call: (02) 9251 4600
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
NSW Schools Governance | 2 hours |
Optimal School Governance
- contact: Dr Stephen Codrington
- website:
- call: 0400 554 909
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
School Governance Basics | 4 hours |
Best Practice in School Governance | 8 hours |
Effective School Governance | 16 hours |
Board Operations | 8 hours |
Creating and Sustaining Healthy Boards in Good Times and Bad | 4 hours |
Future Focused Board Leadership | 4 hours |
Governance and Management | 4 hours |
Mission, Vision and Strategic Thinking | 4 hours |
Overcoming the Challenges of Governance and Minimising Risk | 4 hours |
The Board's Fiduciary and Non-Fiduciary Duties | 4 hours |
Directing and Managing Change | 4 hours |
Prolegis Lawyers
- contact: Mr Jon Cheung
- website:
- call: 02 9466 5222
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Governance of Schools: The Role of Responsible Persons | 2 hours |
School Compliance and Risk Management: Legal Considerations | 2 hours |
Pymble Ladies' College
- contact: Ms Kate Rimer
- website:
- call: 0418 413 636
- email:
Approved course | Duration |
Keeping Pymble Safe | 2.5 hours |
Resolve Consulting Group
- contact: Mr David Bartlett
- website:
- call: 02 4324 4800
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Board Responsibilities and Policies | 4 hours |
Board Operations | 4 hours |
Risk Management and Compliance | 4 hours |
School Financial Management | 4 hours |
Board and Responsible Persons Induction | 2 hours |
Strategic Planning for Governance | 4 hours |
Governance and Best Practice Reporting | 2 hours |
Board and Management Relationship | 1.5 hours |
Finance Equipper for Responsible Persons | 6 hours |
Not for Profit School Regulatory Compliance Processes | 4 hours |
Somerset Education Pty Ltd
- contact: Mr John Somerset
- website:
- call: 0417 618 899
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Financial Governance and Risk Management for Non-government Schools | 6 hours |
Financial Governance and Risk Management for Non-government Schools | 2 hours |
Steiner Education Australia
- contact: Nicki Radford
- call: (02) 9411 2579
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
An Introduction to Governance in Australian Steiner Schools | 3 hours |
Sydney Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Sydney
- contact: Governance team
- call: (02) 9568 8215
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Responsible Persons Training: School Leadership Accountability and Policy | 1.5 hours 1.5 hours |
Governance in Action | 2.5 hours |
Strategic Risk Management | 1.5 hours |
Leaders and Individual Decision Making | 2 hours |
Governance and Collaborative Decision Making | 2 hours |
Practical Governance – Differentiated Workshops | 2.5 hours |
Governance and Ethics | 2 hours |
Risk Management | 1 hour |
Declaring Conflicts of Interest & Gifts, Benefits or Hospitality | 1 hour |
Governance Landscape | 1 hour |
Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) – Mandatory Reporting | 1 hour |
Code of Professional Conduct (CoPC) | 1 hour |
Child Safety Risk Assessment – Part 5A | 1 hour |
The University of Notre Dame Australia
- contact: Tom Ristoski
- call: 0412 398 676
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
School Board Governance Program | 14 hours |
Your Call
- contact: Nathan Luker
- call: 0424 150 559
- email:
Approved courses | Duration |
Eligible Recipient Training | 1 hour |