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Glossary of terms used in these guidelines.
Australian curriculum
The Australian curriculum is developed by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). In NSW, the Australian Curriculum is integrated into the NSW curriculum so that by teaching the NSW curriculum, as required in NSW, the Australian curriculum is addressed.
Cross-curriculum priorities
Cross-curriculum priorities encourage students to develop understanding about and address the contemporary issues they face. For example, the K-10 syllabuses identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and sustainability as cross-curriculum priorities.
The content of a syllabus describes what students learn about in relation to subject matter or topics.
The term course refers to the study of a subject. A course of study is set out in a syllabus.
A general term used to refer collectively to the NESA syllabuses for the required key learning areas identified by the Act.
Department of Education
The NSW Department of Education is a government agency with responsibility for providing public education. The Department regulates preschools, long day care providers and all public schools. It is the largest provider of distance education in NSW.
Distance education
Distance education is enrolment of a child in a school which delivers all or a significant majority of the educational program through such means as mail, email, telephone and/or other electronic communication. In this case, the educational program is developed, delivered and assessed by the distance education school.
Children who are enrolled in a government or registered non- government school providing distance education do not need to be registered for home schooling.
Education Act 1990
The Education Act 1990 was enacted in the NSW Parliament in 1990.
Elective subject
An elective subject is one chosen from a number of optional subjects.
General capabilities
General capabilities encompass the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to assist students to live and work successfully in the 21st century.
HSIE stands for the key learning area of Human Society and its Environment.
Key Learning Area
A discipline of study.
NAPLAN stands for the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. NAPLAN is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
NCAT stands for the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The NSW Education Standards Authority is an independent statutory authority separate from the Department of Education and reporting directly to the NSW Minister for Education.
NESA’s functions are set by the Education Standards Authority Act 2013.
NESA syllabuses
Syllabuses developed by NESA in relation to the curriculum for children in NSW.
Objectives are broad statements that outline at a high level the intention of the syllabus and summarise the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes to be developed through study in the subject. They provide direction and act as organisers for the intended outcomes.
Outcomes as specified in each NESA syllabus provide a description of the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes expected to be acquired by most students by the end of a stage of learning.
Pattern of study
pattern of study identifies the number of courses to be studied and the sequence in which the courses will be taught. For Years 11 and 12, the pattern of study also includes the number of units to be undertaken.
PDHPE stands for the key learning area of Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education.
Program Builder
Program Builder is an online method to select and organise outcomes and content to ‘build’ an educational program.
Program Builder is accessed through Scootle.
RTO stands for Registered Training Organisation.
Scootle is a content discovery portal containing more than 16,000 teaching resources. Access to Scootle is available following the registration of a child. Once registered for home schooling, parents may request a Scootle account by emailing
Smart and Skilled
‘Smart and Skilled’ is a NSW Government initiative providing subsidies for participation in vocational education and training for students who have left school. Registered home schooled students who are over 15 years of age may be eligible for Smart and Skilled subsidies. For more information:
Stage statements
Stage statements are summaries of the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that have been developed by students as a result of achieving the outcomes for each stage of learning in each Kindergarten to Year 10 syllabus. There are stage statements for all K-10 syllabuses, with the exception of K-6 Creative Arts and K-6 PDHPE in which these summaries are called Foundation Statements.
A subject is an area of learning.
A syllabus is a document that contains information about a specific subject or course. A syllabus describes the learning to be undertaken in relation to key organisational strands or elements, intended learning goals, content, sequence of learning and assessment. The NESA website includes the syllabuses and a range of sample materials to assist in the development of teaching materials. ‘Sample work’ provides examples of activities relevant to the syllabus and student work that has been graded.
TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education. TAFE NSW offers a wide range of courses providing certificates, diplomas, apprenticeships and bachelor degrees.
VET stands for Vocational Education and Training.
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