Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting – 3 February 2017
Read the agenda and minutes from the Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting held on Friday, 3 February 2017, 2pm.
Agenda and minutes
- David Murphy (Chair)
- Chris Krogh
- Carmen Smith
- Emma Vieira
- Michael Wheeler
- Gabrielle Oslington
- David Roy
- Don Carter
- Trisha Ladogna
Date and time: Friday, 3 February 2017, 2pm
Location: NESA Boardroom, Level 7 117 Clarence Street, Sydney
Present: David Murphy (Chair), Chris Krogh, Carmen Smith, Michael Wheeler, Gabrielle Oslington
Apologies: Don Carter, Trisha Ladogna, Emma Vieira
In Attendance: Bronwyn Hession, Mark McCrossin, Glenda Rowan
The minutes of the 2 December meeting were confirmed out of session and have been published on the HSCG webpage.
It was reported that part-time enrolment continues to be considered by the Department of Education. The Department will continue to consult separately with home schoolers and other stakeholders on this issue.
Action arising
Data about home schooling is being finalised for publication on the home schooling website.
A copy of draft Guidelines for Home Schooling Registration in NSW was distributed to members of the HSCG as a means of briefing the HSCG prior to consultation rather than for endorsement. Some initial feedback was provided by members.
The draft Guidelines will be published on the home schooling website, as per the Revised Consultation Process and Schedule.
Wide consultation with the home schooling community will be invited by way of an online survey and stakeholder meetings during February to March 2017.
A Consultation Report will be written following the consultation process identifying relevant feedback and action.
The overall approach in developing the draft Guidelines was outlined to the HSCG:
- The Writing Brief provided the broad directions and advice in terms of tone, language, accessibility and inclusiveness
- Where there is departure from the Writing Brief, it is to provide greater clarity for the home schooling parent in relation to the order of sections for improved sequencing and an explanation of key terms in the body of the draft rather than in a separate glossary section.
Some members noted that the proposed timeline may not provide adequate notice to allow prospective participants to attend briefing sessions.
Action arising
HSCG members to consider the draft Guidelines and provide feedback as to errors of fact or omission by Friday 10 February 2017.
The draft Guidelines for Home Schooling Registration in NSW will be published on the home schooling website for consultation.
An email is to be sent to all home schooling families inviting them to complete an online survey on the draft Guidelines.
The email will also provide a link to a timetable of 15 stakeholder consultation meetings that have been organised in both metropolitan and regional areas in NSW.
Consideration will be given to providing a place on the website where people can register their interest to be advised if the information about the consultation is updated.
HSCG members to consider other communication strategies to promote wide engagement with the draft Guidelines and to capture the diversity of opinions from the home schooling community.
Further briefing sessions to be scheduled if required.
Collated results from the questionnaire were provided to HSCG members.
Action arising
Given the feedback from the questionnaire, a “Declaration of Interest” item will be added to the HSCG agenda.
HSCG members to consider other areas that would enhance the effectiveness of the HSCG meetings.
General Business 1 Authorised Persons recruitment process:A copy of the most recent Expression of Interest Form for the recruitment of Authorised Persons (‘APs’) was tabled. NESA’s requirement that APs be experienced and appropriately qualified teachers was discussed. NESA’s recruitment processes precluded a role for the HSCG in the selecting APs. 2 Replacement of parent representative on the HSCG:An expression of interest process will commence to find a replacement for Emma Vieira on the HSCG. 3 Meeting time of future HSCG meetingsIt was decided to commence future meetings of the HSCG at 12.00pm to assist those members travelling considerable distances to attend meetings. Action arising
The meeting concluded at 4.10pm.