Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting – 12 June 2024
Read the agenda and minutes from the Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting held on Wednesday 12 June 2024, 1.00 pm.
Agenda and minutes
- Lyn Kirkby (Chair)
- Tarek El-Bikai
- Selena Guest
- Adele Latu
- Jo Lloyd
- Rachel Quirk
- Gersha Shteyman
- Sophie Tobler
- Neale Waddy
Date and time: Wednesday 12 June 2024, 1.00 pm.
Location: Meeting held online.
Present: Lyn Kirkby (Chair), Adele Latu, Jo Lloyd, Rachel Quirk, Sophie Tobler and Neale Waddy.
In attendance: Gayatri Mahesh, Katherine Lowing, Robert Bishay, Bradley Forster, Padraig Connolly (Item 4), Michele Cutrupi (Item 5), Alexa Dodge (Observer).
Apologies: Tarek El-Bikai, Selena Guest, Gersha Shteyman.
The chair gave an acknowledgement of country and welcomed those in attendance.
Action arising: Nil.
2a. NESA to consider the suggestion to amend the automatically generated email to include the name of the allocated NESA Authorised Person.
Members were advised NESA had considered the suggestion and after careful consideration, has chosen not to proceed with this suggestion at this time. An outline of the reason for this was provided to members.
To ease concerns that some applicants may have regarding unauthorised contact, NESA advised it will communicate with Authorised Persons regarding suggested communication strategies particularly when making initial contact with an applicant.
A member provided positive feedback on NESA’s direction and acknowledged that applicants can provide Authorised Persons with specific information regarding their circumstances via their application form.
Action arising: NESA to communicate suggested communication strategies to Authorised Persons for when they contact applicants.
2b. Additional optional question on application forms
Members were advised that the additional optional question regarding a child’s educational history was added to application forms on 29 April 2024.
Action arising: Nil
2c. NESA to consider a mechanism to provide applicants with an additional opportunity to provide feedback on their experience with an Authorised Person
Members were advised NESA had considered the feasibility of the suggestion and, after careful consideration, has decided not to pursue it at this time. Members were provided with an outline of the reasons behind this.
An HSCG member provided positive feedback on NESA’s direction. Another member provided constructive feedback on the importance of clear communication of the available channels for applicants to provide feedback on their experience with Authorised Persons.
Action arising: NESA to review information available to applicants regarding how they can provide feedback to NESA about their experience with Authorised Persons and make this clearer where needed.
2d. NESA to consider issuing a Certificate of Completion of Year 12 for home schooled children
Members were advised NESA had considered the suggestion and will explore the next steps that would be required if this option were to be introduced. Members were advised that such a change would likely take place at the time of next review of the Guidelines for Home Schooling Registration in NSW.
An HSCG member queried the purpose of introducing this measure, considering there are many vocational pathways available to home schooled children towards the end of schooling which do not currently require a Certificate of Completion of Year 12.
Some members provided anecdotal feedback regarding their personal experiences of the usefulness of a Certificate of Completion of Year 10.
An HSCG member proposed NESA collect further data to determine how many home schooling families may be eligible, or wish to apply, for such a certificate to help determine potential resourcing required.
Action arising: NESA to monitor data and further consider the value a Certificate of Completion of Year 12 might offer to young people finishing senior secondary studies.
Action arising: Nil
a) Recommencement of home visits by Authorised Persons
Members were provided with an overview of the recommencement of home visits for initial applications from 29 April 2024. NESA updated members on Authorised Person recruitment that has taken place since the last HSCG meeting to assist NESA in conducting assessments in a timely manner.
Members were provided with an opportunity to provide feedback on the recommencement of home visits for initial applications.
Members provided feedback that there was a general acceptance in their relevant communities of the recommencement of home visits for initial applications.
Action arising: Nil
b) Curriculum Reform
Members were provided with an update on upcoming changes to the NESA home schooling website as well as further resource development to support home schooling families.
Members were provided with an opportunity to give feedback on resource development.
HSCG members provided constructive feedback regarding:
- positive engagement with new resources published on the NESA website amongst their relevant communities
- potential areas for improvement in outward communications to ensure all parents understand that the resources developed are optional support materials and not a requirement of registration.
NESA proposed an adjustment to syllabus implementation timeframes for home schooling families. The timeframes would allow, on average, an 18 month – 2 year familiarisation period. It would however represent a shift from the implementation timeframes used for the syllabus implementation for home schooling families during 2023-24.
A member provided feedback that a change to the proposed syllabus implementation timelines may cause confusion for home schooling families given that they have had an additional period of time to implement new syllabuses to date.
Action arising: NESA to consider feedback from members on syllabus implementation timeframes.
Members were presented with an overview of the NESA Home Schooling Unit’s TAFE working group and the role it plays in developing stronger links with TAFE NSW. The working group aims to improve the user experience for home schooling families when their children are seeking to engage in courses offered by TAFE NSW.
Members were provided with an opportunity to provide feedback on the experience of home schooling families transitioning to TAFE.
HSCG members provided anecdotal feedback regarding:
- their own positive, personal experiences of engaging with TAFE as home schooling families
- common questions that are raised amongst home schooling families when considering options at TAFE for a child or young person.
Action arising: Nil
The chair advised members that the HSCG terms of reference would be rebranded to ensure it appears current by including NESA’s current name and branding.
The chair requested confirmation of whether members would agree to have the Director, Regulation of Schooling, chair a future meeting in the event the chair was unavailable. The members present unanimously agreed.
Action arising: NESA to update HSCG terms of reference to reflect current nomenclature.
The meeting concluded at 2.18 pm.