Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting – 11 September 2024
Read the agenda and minutes from the Home Schooling Consultative Group meeting held on Wednesday 11 September 2024, 1.00 pm.
Agenda and minutes
- Lyn Kirkby (Chair)
- Tarek El-Bikai
- Selena Guest
- Adele Latu
- Jo Lloyd
- Rachel Quirk
- Gersha Shteyman
- Sophie Tobler
- Neale Waddy
Date and time: Wednesday 11 September 2024, 1.00 pm.
Location: Meeting held at 117 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
Present: Lyn Kirkby (Chair), Tarek El-Bikai, Selena Guest (online), Adele Latu, Jo Lloyd, Rachel Quirk, Sophie Tobler and Neale Waddy.
In attendance: Gayatri Mahesh, Zannah Mathieson, Katherine Lowing, Bradley Forster, Robert Bishay and Diane Twomey (Item 5).
Apologies: Gersha Shteyman.
The chair gave an acknowledgement of country and welcomed those in attendance.
Action arising: Nil.
2a. NESA to communicate suggested communication strategies to Authorised Persons for when they contact applicants
Members were reminded of the decision provided to members at the last HSCG meeting, that after careful consideration, NESA has chosen not to proceed with this suggestion at this time.
To ease concerns that some applicants may have regarding unauthorised contact, NESA advised it will communicate with Authorised Persons regarding suggested communication strategies particularly when making initial contact with an applicant.
This was communicated to NESA Authorised Persons at the most recent Authorised Persons Briefing. The strategies included:
- contacting an applicant within one week of receiving an allocation, and
- reminding Authorised Persons to use their NESA email account and NESA signature block when emailing applicants.
NESA will also reinforce these strategies in future communications sent to Authorised Persons.
Action arising: Nil.
2b. NESA to review information available to applicants regarding how they can provide feedback to NESA about their experience with Authorised Persons and make this clearer where needed
Members were reminded of the decision provided to members at the last HSCG meeting, that after careful consideration, NESA has decided not to pursue it at this time. During that meeting, it had been discussed that on the NESA website, applicants have an opportunity to provide feedback regarding their experience with Authorised Persons.
During this meeting, members were shown where to find this on the newly updated website.
Action arising: Nil.
2c. Updates – Curriculum Reform: NESA to consider feedback from members on syllabus implementation timeframes
Members were advised that NESA considered the feedback provided at the last HSCG meeting. On balance, the decision has been made to retain the existing one school term leeway applicants have, in implementing new syllabuses, compared to timeframes used in schools. Noting that parents, if they wish to, can start using new syllabuses immediately after publication.
Action arising: Nil.
2d. General business: NESA to update HSCG terms of reference to reflect current nomenclature
Members were advised that NESA has commenced the process of updating the Provisions Relating to Members and Procedures of the Home Schooling Consultative Group (2016) to reflect the current nomenclature. When finalised, HSCG members will receive a copy of the updated version.
Action arising: Nil.
One member declared to the HSCG that they are involved with a local home schooling group which provides support to children registered for home schooling.
Action arising: Nil.
Members were provided with an overview of potential links to online resources that NESA plans to publish on its website. This would act as a ‘Parent resource hub’.
The context of this proposal is that, at school, young people and their parents have access to a range of support services and information that may not be as visible to parents when their children are registered for home schooling. Some of the proposed areas include careers advice, support for mental health, and pathways to work or further education.
The range of online links and resources will be sourced from government organisations or, in some cases, services that are highly reputable or endorsed by state or federal government agencies.
The suggestion was well received by members and some members made suggestions regarding additional resources and links that NESA could include in its ‘Parent resource hub’.
Action arising: Nil.
a. New syllabuses released
Members were provided with an overview of the syllabuses and associated resources released since the previous HSCG meeting.
b. Upcoming additional scenarios and recorded presentations
Members were provided with an overview of sample scenarios and examples of recorded presentations which NESA hopes to publish on its website to support home schooling families.
Members agreed that the content proposed would be useful in supporting home schooling families.
c. Changes to the NESA website and parent samples
Members were presented with an overview of changes that had been made to the NESA website. These changes were well received by members.
Members were also advised that as part of the changes being made to the website, NESA will be requesting new parent samples of educational programs and materials to be published on the NESA website. Members welcomed this approach.
d. Curriculum Reform webinars
Members were advised that NESA is planning to trial hosting webinars with the home schooling community to provide them with information about home schooling, curriculum changes and registration requirements.
Members welcomed the initiative and collectively agreed that it would encourage greater engagement between NESA and the home schooling community.
The group discussed the importance of balancing NESA’s legislative remit relating to home schooling, along with its available resources. It was agreed that communication would be vital to lay the foundations for the purpose of the webinars and what to expect. The trial will allow time to see how the webinars are received and NESA’s capacity to continue delivering them.
Action arising: Nil.
Members were provided with an overview of notable features of the home schooling data reports relating to 2023. The reports show that in 2023, much of the growth in home schooling in NSW that had been seen in previous years had stabilised. Members were reminded that the data is also available on the website.
Action arising: Nil.
Members were advised that when compared with figures from the end of 2023, there has been an increase in the number of children registered for home schooling in 2024. Members were also advised that NESA is processing an average of around 1000 home schooling applications per month.
Action arising: Nil.
An HSCG member who also participates in the NESA parent roundtable on Curriculum Reform, advised that she had been invited to provide feedback on the user experience of the NSW curriculum website. Members were given an opportunity to provide this member with feedback after the meeting, which would then be passed on.
Another HSCG member sought clarification on how to best manage their communication and feedback as both an HSCG member and as an active member of the home schooling community. The Chair reminded all members that their role as an HSCG member is to contribute their views and experiences in the context of home schooling. Their views, when expressed at the meetings and beyond, are solely representative of themselves and not of NESA.
Members were also reminded that they do have an opportunity to include agenda items, which can be discussed at upcoming HSCG meetings.
Action arising: Nil.
The meeting concluded at 3.04 pm.