How to get an Opal Card
An Easy Read guide about what you need to do to get your Opal Card to travel on public transport in NSW.

In this guide, we explain how to get an Opal card.
You use an Opal card to pay for public transport in New South Wales (NSW).

Public transport can include:
- buses
- trains
- light rail
- ferries.
Different types of Opal cards

There are different types of Opal cards for different people.
We explain these below.
Opal adult cards

You can use an Opal adult card if you’re an adult.

You can also use contactless payment instead of an Opal adult card.
Contactless payment is a way to pay without having to swipe or insert your bank card.

This means you can tap your credit card or phone to pay for transport.
Opal child and youth cards

You can use an Opal child and youth card if you are between 4 to 15 years old.
You can learn more about Opal child and youth cards on Opal child and youth cards on the Transport for NSW website.
Opal school cards

If you go to school or TAFE, you might be able to get an Opal school card.

This card lets you use public transport for free:
- to go to school or TAFE
- on week days
- during the school term.

You can learn more on the School student travel page on our website.
Opal concession cards

An Opal concession card lets certain people use public transport for:
- free
- less money.

You can get an Opal concession card if you are doing further education.
Further education is when you study at:
- a university
- a college.

To find out if your further education school supports concession cards, you can check our list.

You must say it is ok for your TAFE NSW to share your information with Transport NSW.

You can find out more about these concession cards on the Tertiary or TAFE students page on the Transport for NSW website.

You can get a concession card if you are doing an apprenticeship or traineeship.
An apprenticeship or traineeship is when you learn how to do a job while you are at work.

You can find out more about these concession cards on the Apprentice or trainee page on the Transport for NSW website.

You can get an Opal concession card if you receive support from Centrelink.
You can find out if you meet the rules on the Centrelink customers page on the Transport for NSW website.

You can get an Opal concession card if you served in the Australian Defence Force.
The Defence Force includes the:
- Army
- Navy
- Air Force.
Opal gold cards

An Opal gold card lets you use transport for $2.50 a day.

You can get an Opal gold card if you:
- are over 60 years old
- have a Seniors Card
- have a Pensioner Concession Card.

You can get an Opal gold card if you are an asylum seeker.
An asylum seeker is someone forced to leave their country:
- because of violence
- so they can stay safe.

You can get an Opal gold card if you served in the Australian Defence Force and have:
- a Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran Gold Card
or - a DVA Gold Health Card.

These cards prove that you:
- are over 70 years old
and - served in the Australian Defence Force.

You can also get an Opal gold card if your partner died while they served in the Australian Defence Force.
Opal free travel cards

Opal free travel cards let you use public transport for free.

You can get an Opal free travel card if you are blind or have low vision.

You can get an Opal free travel card if you:
- worked for the Australian Defence Force
and - have a disability.

You might still be able to get an Opal free travel card if you:
- worked for the Australian Defence Force
but - don’t have a disability.
You can find out more on the Concessions in New South Wales page on the DVA website.
How to get an Opal card
Opal cards for adults, children and youth

You can get Opal cards for adults, children and youth:
- in some stores, like newsagents and convenience stores
- on the Opal website
- at some Transport Customer Service Centres
- at some Service NSW centres.

You can apply for an Opal school card on the School student travel page on the Transport for NSW website.
Opal concession cards

You can apply for concession cards on the Opal website.

You must get a Transport Concession Entitlement Card before you apply.
This card shows that you meet the rules to get an Opal concession card.

You must carry both cards when you use public transport.

You can apply for a Transport Concession Entitlement Card on the Transport for NSW website.

If you study further education, you must tell your further education school it is ok to share your information with Transport for NSW.

If you are doing an apprenticeship or traineeship, you must also provide your training contract identity number when you apply.
Opal gold cards

You can apply for an Opal gold card on the Opal website.

When you apply for an Opal gold card, you will need one of these:
- a NSW Seniors Card
- an Australian Capital Territory Seniors Card
- a Pensioner Concession Card
- a NSW card that says your partner died when they were working for the Australian Defence Forces.

If you are an older person visiting NSW, you can apply for an Opal gold card.
You must do this at least 3 weeks before you plan to use your Opal gold card.

You can apply on the Seniors page on the Transport for NSW website.

You can apply for an Opal gold card if you are an asylum seeker.
You can learn more on the Asylum seeker page on the Transport for NSW website.

If you need support in a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).
Opal free travel cards

You can call Transport for NSW for an Opal free card.

If you are blind or have low vision, you must have a Vision Impaired Person’s Travel Pass (VIP Travel Pass).

You can find out more on the VIP Travel Pass page on the Transport for NSW website.

You can apply for a free travel card if you worked for the Australian Defence Forces.
You can find out more on the Ex-members of Defence Force with a disability page on the Transport for NSW website.

You must have a Transport Concession Entitlement Card before you apply for a free card.
This shows that you meet the rules to use a concession card.

Who you can contact for more information

You can contact us for more information.

You can call us.