Deceased estates and transferring vehicle registration

This step-by-step guide will help you transfer or cancel vehicle registration when someone close to you dies.

Transferring or cancelling registration

When the registered operator of a vehicle passes away, the registration needs to be either:

  • transferred to a new registered operator, or
  • cancelled.

You need to do this in person at a service centre.

Our strict process to do this protects:

  • the deceased person’s estate from fraudulent or malicious dealings
  • all registered operators from unauthorised transfers on the basis that they’re deceased when they’re not.

Advising Transport for NSW of a death

NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages usually notifies Transport for NSW (TfNSW) of a person's death, but this can take some time.

If the person’s death is not recorded in our system, you must provide one of the following:

  • death certificate (original or copy)
  • newspaper death notice
  • a letter from a solicitor or the NSW Trustee and Guardian – advising that the person is deceased
  • completed Advice of Death form (1634)

    form – accompanied by any proof of identity document of the deceased person

  • Presumption of Death Order issued by the Supreme Court (original or copy) – if the person is missing presumed deceased. An Advice of Death form cannot be used in this situation.

Wills and documents

To transfer or cancel the registration, you need to provide:


If there is a will

If there is no will

Contact us

If you are struggling to find the required documents or have questions please call us on 13 22 13 or contact us online.

Stamp duty and transfer fee exemptions

Stamp duty and transfer fees do not apply if the vehicle is transferred into the name of:

  • a beneficiary or executor nominated in a will
  • the administrator of the estate
  • the surviving joint registered operator
  • the next of kin
  • a different proven beneficiary in a subsequent transfer - if the registration is transferred into the name of a person listed above, and then subsequently transferred to a different proven beneficiary, stamp duty and transfer fees are not payable on both transfers.

Fees may apply if there is a change of registration usage e.g. Change from private to business use. 

Transferring registration from a corporation

If the registered operator of the vehicle is a corporation, and the director of the corporation has died, the corporation may choose to transfer the vehicle to a beneficiary of a deceased director. The beneficiary must meet the normal proof of identityproof of registration entitlement requirements and pay the transfer fee.

The beneficiary may also provide:

  • written advice from a solicitor, or
  • letter from the NSW Trustee and Guardian showing the vehicle is bequeathed to them, as proof of registration entitlement.
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