Specialist Helicopters-Stunt
- Tuesday, 25 February 2025 - 6:20am to 8:20am
- Wednesday, 26 February 2025 - 6:20am to 8:20am (weather contingency)
Special event
Vessel operators are advised that a Special Event pursuant to Section 12(2) of the Marine Safety Act 1998 is to be held on Port Jackson, between Mrs Macquarie’s Chair to Sydney Cove, inclusive of Farm Cove, (as per the diagram) from 6:20am to 8:20am on Tuesday 25 February 2025. In case of inclement weather the event will be held the following day at the same times.
The event is an aerial stunt from a helicopter around the Sydney Opera House.
Exclusion zone
Due to the potential to affect the safety of navigation, Transport for NSW has declared an exclusion zone will be established on the navigable waters of Port Jackson, from 100 metres West and 100 metres North of the Sydney Opera House in Sydney Cove in a line East to the North of Mrs Macquarie’s Chair (as per the diagram) between the above times. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be postponed to Wednesday, 26 February 2025.
The exclusion zone will be patrolled by marked Maritime safety vessels. The activation and deactivation of the Exclusion Zone will be broadcast on marine radio VHF 13.
Transport for NSW advises that in relation to the exclusion zone:
- Persons within the vicinity of the zone must comply with any directions given by any Boating Safety Officer or Police Officer in relation to the Special Event or to marine safety. Failure to comply with any such direction is an offence (Marine Safety Act 1998, s.15A - Maximum Penalty $3,300.00).
- No unauthorised vessels or persons are permitted to enter the zone and to do so may be an offence (Marine Safety Act 1998, s.12(5) — Maximum Penalty $1,100.00).
Maps and charts affected
To see the area affected, refer to:
- Transport for NSW Boating Map – 9D
- Navigation Chart AUS 202
- Port Jackson event area map
Contact Transport for NSW information line
For further information concerning this navigation advice, please contact the Transport for NSW information line on:
Phone: 13 12 36
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday - Sunday
8:30am - 4:30pm