Vehicle safety and compliance

Checks and rules to keep vehicles as safe as possible on NSW roads.

Vehicle safety features

Vehicle safety features can reduce your crash risk. Here are some safety technologies to improve driver and passenger safety.

Towing a trailer or caravan

Rules and advice for towing a caravan or trailer on NSW roads. Secure your load, check for licence restrictions and follow safety standards.


Keep your vehicle safe and roadworthy in NSW. Follow the checks and standards for maintaining and modifying your vehicle.

Your vehicle and the environment

Aim to reduce vehicle fuel emissions and avoid littering on NSW roads to help protect people and our environment.

Driving posture

Tips to improve your posture while driving on NSW roads. This reduces fatigue and improves comfort, control and safety.

Transport for NSW - Roads

More options to contact us
Phone:13 22 13
Monday to Friday : 7:00am -7:00pm
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