One-way streets

'One way' and 'Two way' signs are regulatory signs and must be obeyed by law. Here's how to recognise the signs and drive safely on NSW roads.

Driving on one-way streets

When you see a ‘One way’ sign, you must only drive in the direction shown by the arrow on the sign.

One way street sign
You can only travel in the direction of the arrow

Driving on two-way streets

When you see a ‘Two way’ sign, the road has lanes travelling in both directions and you can drive in either direction.

One way in opposite directions
Lanes travelling in opposite directions

Turning right from a one-way street

When turning right from a one-way street, you must turn from the far right side of the road.

Keep to the right when turning right from a one-way street
Keep to the right when turning right from a one-way street
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