Common questions about electric vehicle reform

Read some of the most frequently asked questions about the electric vehicle strategy.

Important changes from 1 January 2024

The stamp duty exemption and the rebate for eligible EV purchases ended on 31 December 2023. 

Individuals and businesses that purchased or placed a deposit on an eligible EV prior to 1 January 2024, and are awaiting delivery of the vehicle, will still be eligible to receive the stamp duty exemption and rebate, regardless of whether the vehicle has been delivered by that date. This will ensure that purchasers who were unable to register their vehicle by 31 December 2023, are not disadvantaged for delays in delivery.

What are the benefits of EVs?

Electric Vehicles (EV) are cheaper to run and have lower repair costs compared to petrol or diesel vehicles.

EVs are also better for the environment, are quieter, produce lower carbon emissions and less pollutants, helping to reduce air pollution which benefits our health.

How do I claim my EV rebate and stamp duty back?

Please click here to access the portal to claim your EV rebate. If you have paid duty on registration between the following sets of dates, please use the portal to claim back your stamp duty exemption: 

  • 1 September 2021 to 14 August 2022, and 
  • 1 January 2024 onwards.  

Please note that purchases or deposits must have been made by 31 December 2023 to be eligible to make an application.

For registrations between 15 August 2022 and 31 December 2023, the stamp duty exemption was automatic. 

What EVs are eligible to receive a stamp duty exemption?

Please click here to view the electric vehicle stamp duty exemption guidelines and eligibility criteria. 

What EVs are eligible to receive the rebate?

Please click here to view the guidelines and eligibility for a $3000 rebate.

When can a battery or hydrogen fuel cell EV use transit lanes?

Full electric and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles will be given access to transit T2 and T3 lanes until 30 June 2025, unless revoked earlier.

If I have paid stamp duty and have claimed it back on the portal, who can I contact if I have an issue with my rebate or stamp duty exemption application?

You can contact our Electric Vehicle team at Revenue NSW:

Who can I contact with enquiries about the automated stamp duty exemption for my vehicle registered between 15 August 2022 and 31 December 2023?

For questions about eligibility, please contact Technical Enquiries at Transport for NSW:  

Phone: 1300 137 302 (8.30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays)


For all other enquiries, please contact DRIVES Help Desk at Transport for NSW:

Phone: 1300 131 172 (8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm Saturdays, excluding public holidays)


Who can apply for a Tourist EV Infrastructure grant?

The NSW government is helping develop the infrastructure to charge electric vehicles at regional tourist locations. Small regional tourism businesses such as motels, restaurants, and wineries are eligible for Electric Vehicle Destination Charging grants.

Find out more about the electric vehicle destination charging grants.

What is a road user charge (RUC) and when does it apply?

A road user charge (RUC) is a distance-based road charge that ensures all drivers are paying for their fair share of road use – regardless of the type of vehicle they drive.

The New South Wales RUC was announced in the 2021-22 financial year but under the Electric Vehicles (Revenue Arrangements) Act 2021 will come into effect on either 1 July 2027 or when sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in New South Wales reach 30 per cent of new vehicle sales in New South Wales – whichever comes first.

Note: The decision in Vanderstock v. The State of Victoria (2023) (“Vanderstock”) determined that the Victorian Government’s Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-based Charge Act was invalid.

The NSW Government is working to assess the implications of the decision for NSW’s electric vehicle road user charge.

Why is the NSW Government introducing a RUC?

Fuel excise currently contributes to the funding of roads. As EV uptake continues to grow and fuel excise declines, we need to establish a fair and sustainable road user system to ensure we have ongoing funds to support the maintenance and delivery of our road network.

A distance-based road user charge will ensure all drivers are paying for their share of road use – regardless of the type of vehicle they drive.  A road user charge on electric vehicles will replace motor vehicle duty over time. Motor vehicle duty is an inefficient tax which raises upfront costs and discourages vehicle sales.

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