Apply for a mobility parking permit - organisations
Organisations that operate in NSW and need a parking permit to transport people with a disability can apply for the NSW Mobility Parking Scheme permit.
About organisation permits
Organisations that operate in NSW and transport eligible people with disability can apply for a NSW Mobility Parking Scheme permit.
An organisation permit allows you to park in accessible spaces and access parking concessions.
Organisation permits are valid for 5 years.
When you get your NSW permit, you'll also get an Australian Disability Parking Permit. The NSW permit slips inside the Australian purple permit. Both must be displayed together on your vehicle.
When and how to use
Organisation permits must only be used when transporting eligible people with disability. This means people whose ability to walk is restricted by a medical condition or disability.
They must not be used for any other reason, including visiting eligible clients or running errands on their behalf.
The permits have conditions of use in different carparks.
You're required to keep an Organisation permit register and log book (RTF 167.88KB).
How to apply
To apply for a permit, nominate a contact person in your organisation to manage the permit(s).
This person must be:
- an existing customer on the Service NSW system or
- able to provide proof of identity.
Complete the organisation application form including proof of identity, provide an address of an operational office in NSW and payment.
You can pay by credit card or cheque using the slip provided.
Organisations don't need photos for the permits.
Submit your application by post to the address on the form.
Approval process
Wait for your application to be approved before parking in accessible spaces, or using parking concessions.
If approved, you'll receive the permit(s) by registered post.