Testing of the new system and portal began in Tasmania in November 2022 and will eventually replace the existing model. The new computer system holds participant's information, enquiries, plans and budgets. The system also connects the participant and provider portal to make payments from participant’s plans. The improvements are based on feedback from NDIS providers.
The type of system improvements that have already been delivered are on their website and include:
- payment system integration improvement- to fix delayed payments for some providers
- plan managers and existing participants- to make sure plans are recorded correctly
- plan managers and new participants- better handover between providers so participants have better choices for their plan manager
- provider learning environment- tutorials for providers
- support catalogue- changes to Agency managed home and living claims
- self-service- plan managers can list themselves as a participant’s provider
- changing plan managers and payment claims- plan managers no longer have 30 days after the end of the plan management period to submit claims
- more fund management options for specialist disability accommodation and behaviour supports
- more participant information accessible for recorded “my providers”
- plan manager funding- plan managers can view funding available for their services.
Continued improvements planned for December 2023:
- My NDIS provider portal – increased access to download reports (with participant consent)
- historical participant information – previous goals and budgets to be accessible for plan managers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches
- clearer error messages.
At the moment existing participants do not need to do anything. More information is available and further updates will be released on the NDIS website. Providers are encouraged to check the website regularly to make sure they have the most up-to-date information. The new computer system will continue to improve and develop over time to ensure participants are provided with the best system possible.