Our immunisation services
Accessing school vaccination and childhood vaccination records will provide you with the vaccination information. We can direct you to the latest information about vaccines and what diseases are important to vaccinate against.
We can give you information about:
- free immunisation clinics
- information for parents and communities
- current NSW Immunisation Schedule
- childhood vaccinations
- school vaccinations
- travel vaccinations.
You can access immunisation advice and vaccine information by calling 1300 066 055.
Information for parents and communities
Visit the NSW Health - Immunisation programs for further information on current vaccinations available in NSW for:
It is important to keep your child’s personal vaccination records safe as the information may be required in the future.
Vaccine records for children who live in Australia are collected in the ‘Childhood Immunisation History Statement’. You can get this from:
- the Australian Government myGov – you will need your login details
- call the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 509 (free call)
- contact your local immunisation provider local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055.
For more information on childhood vaccination visit NSW Health – On time childhood vaccination.
All vaccines used in Australia undergo extensive research and must be approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Before a vaccine can be licensed, it is tested over several years to ensure it is safe and that it works. For more information about vaccines visit NSW Health – Immunisation programs.
However, if you, your child or a client experience an adverse event following immunisation (AEFI), complete the Immunisation Adverse Event Reporting Form or call the immunisation unit on 1300 066 055.
Public immunisation services are located throughout the Local Health District.
- Immunisation services 0 to 5 years contact the Central Intake for Immunisation Clinics on 1800 654 324.
- School based immunisation services contact 1300 066 055.
For information regarding the NSW School Vaccination Program visit NSW Health - Immunisation Programs.
To access NSW School Vaccination Program records please refer to the Australian Government myGov, you will need to login, to access your records. If school vaccination records are not available on the myGov site contact the Public Health Immunisation coordinator on 1300 066 055 for advice.
For travel vaccination information speak with your local doctor.
Information for Health Professionals
We can provide the following services to health professionals:
- general enquiries about current immunisation programs and vaccines
- receipt of information about any adverse events following immunisation
- Cold chain – a system of transporting and storing vaccines within the manufacturer’s recommended temperatures
- advice on vaccine management and cold chain breaches
- school vaccination records that may have been given to adolescents in NSW high schools
- advice on how-to catch-up individuals not fully immunised
- Authorised Nurse Immuniser Essential Kit
- advice on influenza
- National Adverse Event Following Immunisation (AEFI) Reporting
- other resources.
Cold chain is a system of transporting and storing vaccines within the manufacturer’s recommended temperatures, for more information visit NSW Health.
Cold chain breach labels
Additional stickers can be ordered from the Better Health Centre. You can phone them on (02) 9887 5450 or email nslhd-bhc@health.nsw.gov.au.
For more information on seasonal influenza vaccination visit NSW Health.
If you are eligible for a free JEV vaccine, speak to your general practitioner (GP), pharmacist or Aboriginal medical service about getting vaccinated today. You can check eligibility requirements at NSW Health.
People who meet the eligibility criteria should make an appointment in advance as it may take a few days’ notice to order the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine. Note that some providers may charge an administration or consultation fee. Be sure to check if this applies to you.
The following groups should contact their GP before vaccination:
- pregnant or breastfeeding
- immunocompromised
- previous anaphylaxis to any vaccine
- babies less than nine months old.
Contact Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055 in the first instance, to verbally notify a National Adverse Event Following Immunisation (AEFI).
The AEFI form is to be faxed to:
- Albury Public Health: (02) 6080 8999
- Goulburn Public Health: (02) 4824 1831
Other resources
- Chart - Emergency Adrenaline doses (PDF 78.5KB)
- Chart - Route of administration for vaccines used in Australia (PDF 102.8KB)
- Checklist - Pre-vaccination screening checklist (PDF 35.8KB)
- Checklist - Daily vaccine fridge temperature checklist (PDF 138.29KB)
- Protocol - MLHD Medication – Vaccine fridge protocol (PDF 284.45KB)
- Protocol - SNSWLHD Medication - Vaccine fridge protocol (PDF 276.91KB)
Key service contacts
Service | Contact information |
Central Intake for Immunisation Clinics | Phone: 1800 654 324 |
Administration | Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Albury Public Health Unit | Address: Phone: (02) 6053 4800 |
Goulburn Public Health Unit | Address: Phone: (02) 4825 4969 |
Immunisation Coordinator (Albury and Goulburn) | Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Administration - Immunisation | Phone: (02) 4825 4969 |
Nurse Immuniser (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) | Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Aboriginal Immunisation Health Worker (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) | Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Service Central Intake for Immunisation Clinics Contact information Phone: 1800 654 324 |
Service Administration Contact information Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Service Albury Public Health Unit Contact information Address: Phone: (02) 6053 4800 |
Service Goulburn Public Health Unit Contact information Address: Phone: (02) 4825 4969 |
Service Immunisation Coordinator (Albury and Goulburn) Contact information Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Service Administration - Immunisation Contact information Phone: (02) 4825 4969 |
Service Nurse Immuniser (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) Contact information Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Service Aboriginal Immunisation Health Worker (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) Contact information Phone: 1300 066 055 |
Related information
- Australian Immunisation Register
- Department of Health and Aged Care – Immunisation
- The Australian Immunisation Handbook
- Immunisation requirements in primary schools
- NSW Health – Immunisation requirements
- The National Centre for Immunisation Research (NCIRS)
- Word Health Organisation (WHO)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- NSW Yellow fever vaccination clinics
- Smart Traveller
- Travel Health Advisor