Steps in managing an evaluation project
Understand the process of a program evaluation project. See the 7 steps to plan and carry out your evaluation project.
The 7 steps of an evaluation project
Develop program logic and review needs
Describe how the program is intended to work, using program logic. You may want to review the needs the program aims to address, through a needs assessment.
Find out more on how to develop program logic and review needs.
Develop the evaluation brief
An evaluation brief can gain agreement on an evaluation and develop a Request for Tender (RFT). These can be used to commission an external evaluation or develop agreements for an internal evaluation.
Learn more about the evaluation brief.
Commission the evaluation project
You will prepare a Request for Tender (RFT) that requires detailed, rigorous, feasible and ethical submissions from tenderers. The RFT builds on the evaluation brief and the evaluation design. The RFT will detail whether the project is done internally or by an external provider for all or part of the evaluation project.
Find out more about preparing a RFT.
Manage development of the evaluation design
The program evaluation design sets out the research methods that will be used, which provide evidence for the key evaluation questions in the evaluation brief. The design defines the data that is needed for the evaluation, and when and how it will be collected. The evaluation design needs to ensure that the evaluation will be rigorous and systematic, and meet the needs for utility, feasibility and ethics.
Read more about the development of the evaluation design.
Manage development of the evaluation workplan
You will develop a clear project workplan to that includes:
- realistic timeframes
- clear deliverables
- milestones.
The processes are similar for internal and external evaluation projects.
Find out more about the development of the evaluation workplan.
Manage implementation of the workplan, including production of the reports
When you carry out the workplan you will need to collect and analyse the data, and prepare reports.
Learn how to manage the implementation of the workplan.
Disseminate report and support use of the evaluation
Findings from your program evaluation may be received by different audiences and used for different purposes. The results of an evaluation should be:
- communicated to relevant audiences
- used to inform future practices.
Find out how to disseminate the report and evaluate.