Meeting summary
Welcome and Apologies
Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin chaired the meeting and opened with an introduction and welcome.
The Chair welcomed and congratulated the elected Mayors including newly elected Mayors Danielle Mulholland (Kyogle Council), Ray Smith (Clarence Valley Council) and Sarah Ndiaye (Byron Shire Council).
Review of actions
Progress on actions was noted.
NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022 and leadership update
The Chair advised that the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022 was modelled on Queensland and had received the support of Parliament. The Act will assist the streamlining of joint state and federal Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
It was noted that Mal Lanyon’s role as CEO of RA has been extended for a further two years.
Introduction to the NSW Reconstruction Authority
RA provided an overview of RA’s key functions for the benefit of new Community Leaders Forum (CLF) members. These include reducing risk (mitigation and adaptation), local preparedness, community-centred recovery, reconstruction, and disaster funding.
Temporary Housing
In relation to the Temporary Housing Program (i.e. pod villages), RA continues to work with councils, landowners, and Homes NSW on a site-by-site strategy. A licence fee for village residents has been introduced to commence from early December 2024. This is in line with what is available in other housing managed by the NSW Government and Community Housing Providers.
The reconstruction program focuses on rebuilding communities to be better prepared with more resilient infrastructure (i.e. Building Back Better).
The Infrastructure Coordination team provides Essential Public Asset Restoration (EPAR) support to councils and administering agencies, and assists with coordinating administration of DRFA across stakeholder including the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Transport for NSW, NSW Public Works, and local councils.
The division also manages:
- $5 million Northern Rivers Agricultural Drainage Reset Program in partnership with NSW Soil Conservation Service.
- $145 million Northern Rivers Water and Wastewater Repair and Recovery Program, aimed at repairing and recovering the water and wastewater infrastructure. The largest project is the Lismore sewerage plant and Mullumbimby water drain.
- $150 million Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program (NRRRP), covering projects across community awareness and adaptation, flood mitigation infrastructure and nature-based solutions. This includes the $5.45 million Caring for Catchments, aimed at restoring and protecting waterways by planting up to 240 hectares of native vegetation along eight kilometres of cleared river and streambanks over the next three years.
Disaster Adaptation Planning
The work progressing on disaster adaptation planning in the Northern Rivers was noted, and further information will be provided at the next meeting.
The Chair confirmed the next CLF meeting as 18 November 2024.