Meeting summary
Welcome and apologies
Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin chaired the meeting and opened with an introduction and welcome.
Review of actions
An update was provided on the open action regarding the Regional Vision and Master Plan. A meeting with National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and CSIRO was held on Friday 31 January in Canberra to discuss progressing the Northern Rivers Master Plan.
Northern Rivers Representatives included Janelle Saffin Lismore MP and Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery, Northern Rivers Joint Organisation Chair Mayor Chris Cherry, Lismore Mayor Steve Kreig and Reconstruction Authority CEO, Mal Lanyon. NEMA offered to develop the Master Plan scope with CSIRO, to be completed in 3 months.
Insurance costs – presentation by Insurance Council of Australia
The Chair introduced Andrew Hall, CEO of the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), referring to the need to for ongoing action on measures to improve affordability of flood insurance for existing policy holders with high-risk flood properties.
The Chair advised that this matter was also highlighted under recommendation 70 of the Inquiry into Insurers’ Response to 2022 into major flood claims October 2024 report.
Andrew Hall provided an update on work ICA is doing to identify and address drivers for increasing insurance costs.
Key drivers discussed included worsening extreme weather, more people in harm’s way, inflation and higher reinsurance costs and taxes on insurance.
Key policy responses ICA recommend are required include reducing risk through mitigation actions, reducing tax on insurance premiums and regulatory reform.
Northern Rivers Insurance Project
RA confirmed policy action to reduce risk in NSW was through the State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP).
An overview was provided by the RA of SDMP Action 36 - Collaborate with NEMA and the insurance sector to reflect disaster risk reduction measures in insurance pricing, and to use data on insurance affordability to inform strategic land use planning responses.
RA confirmed discussions are underway with the Building Commission NSW on building standards.
Survey work is underway to better understand the uptake of insurance and reasons for residents being under or non-insured, noting that results would be important input to discussions on tax and regulatory reform.
Surveys will be conducted on households until mid-March across the 7 council areas. The surveys will inform further analysis to understand the nature and extent of available hazard insurance. The research results will be completed in June and shared at a future CLF meeting.
Drain clearing
Members discussed the importance of clearing drains, confirming the effectiveness of the current drainage reset program. The Chair noted the need for ongoing advocacy on the need for rural and urban drainage clearing, and requested ongoing maintenance of drains is included in the Northern Rivers Disaster Adaptation Plan.
The Chair closed the meeting at 2.04pm.