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Meeting summary
Members of the Central West Community Leaders Forum (CLF) met on 14 February 2025 to support progress on the delivery of the key components of the $100m Central West Recovery and Resilience Package, including the Resilient Homes Program – Central West.
Regional Transport Resilience Fund
Transport for NSW advised funding deeds for approved projects across the 4 LGAs were expected to be signed by all councils within the following week. To assist councils in understanding the categories of relief measures and the split of funding for each project, additional letters would be issued to clarify the category.
Community Assets Program (CAP)
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development advised funding deeds have been executed for all 21 projects in the program. All projects are now in the delivery stage. The projects are distributed as follows:
- Cabonne Council: 10 projects totalling $8,196,415
- Forbes Shire Council: 3 projects totalling $8,894,163
- Lachlan Shire Council: 4 projects totalling $3,342,795
- Parkes Shire Council: 4 projects totalling $3,316,627
Legal Assistance Relief and Recovery Package
Legal Aid NSW advised that to date 540 flood-related legal services have been provided to 226 individuals across the Central West. The Legal Aid team have also attended and provided information, advice and community legal information at 49 events across the region. Staff continue to work closely with the Resilient Homes Program Central West team.
Resilient Homes Program Central West
The Resilient Homes Program Central West opened on 28 October 2024 to accept applications from flood impacted homeowners.
As of 14 February, 172 applications have been submitted, with 66 home assessments carried out in Eugowra and Forbes. Floor level survey work is underway so more home assessments can be carried out.
The customer engagement team continues to provide ongoing outreach to assist homeowners with applications and support them through the process.
General business
The CLF discussed the following:
- Availability of land for residents who may accept a buyback offer and wish to remain in the community.
- Needs of flood-impacted businesses.