About sexually transmissible infections (STIs)
Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are infections that can be passed on from one person to another during sex.
NSW Health provides up-to-date fact sheets on the most common STIs in Australia. These include: genital herpes, genital warts, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV. Some fact sheets are available in multiple languages.
You can also call the NSW Sexual Health Infoline on 1800 451 624 for support.
The best way to protect yourself from STIs is to practice safe sex. Always use a condom when you have sex.
Testing for STIs involves taking swabs, providing a urine sample, or taking a blood test. Many STIs do not have any symptoms so regular STI check-ups are important. Discuss with your GP or local sexual health service.
If you're diagnosed with a STI, your GP or sexual health service will prescribe treatment.
If you test positive for an STI it is important to tell your partner/s so they can be checked and treated. This is called contact tracing or partner notification. Your doctor or nurse can help you with this.
Our sexual health service
We provide free testing, management, support, and treatment for STIs as well as programs to increase awareness of sexual health. We also supply people with resources, free condoms and lubricant.
We provide sexual health clinic services that include:
- testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections
- testing for HIV, HIV monitoring, management and treatment
- Hepatitis A and B testing, diagnosis, and immunisation
- Hepatitis C testing, diagnosis and treatment
- PEP - Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV and Hepatitis B
- PrEP- Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV.
We work with specific groups in our community:
- men who have sex with men
- people with HIV
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- people who inject drugs
- people recently released from prison
- sex industry workers
- young people at risk.
Monkeypox (MPXV) vaccination now available
In response to the current global monkeypox (MPXV) outbreak, NSW Health has secured a supply of the 3rd generation smallpox vaccine ‘JYNNEOS.'
Vaccination will be available at most sexual health services, contact a MPXV vaccination clinic to make an appointment.
More information about monkeypox (MPXV) is available on the NSW Health website.
If you have questions about monkeypox (MPXV), contact the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.
The HIV and Related Services Program (HARP) unit is funded by NSW Health to coordinate the local response to blood borne viruses and sexually transmitted infections within primary care and publicly funded services.
We support the provision of sexual health and HIV, Hepatitis C treatment services, the needle syringe program and health promotion programs in Murrumbidgee and Southern NSW Local Health Districts. We also support education activities for health providers, other community service providers and community.