Complaints and concerns
We encourage you to talk to a staff member or manager during your care or interaction with us if you have any concerns.
If you are making a complaint, we ask you to:
- provide your feedback at the earliest opportunity, and offer as much information as possible to support a thorough and fair response.
- treat staff with courtesy and consideration.
- understand that if the feedback relates to the care of another person, we need that person’s permission before any personal information can be released.
- not knowingly provide any false or misleading feedback.
If you don't feel comfortable doing this for any reason, or do not get a response that you are satisfied with, further action can be taken by contacting the relevant area:
Location | Contact |
Nepean Hospital | (02) 4734 3174 |
Blue Mountains / Springwood | (02) 4784 6514 |
Lithgow / Portand | (02) 6350 2300 |
Hawkesbury District Hospital | |
Drug and alcohol | |
Mental health | (02) 4734 1912 |
Oral health (Dental) | (02) 4734 2387 |
Primary Care and Community Health (PCCH) | |
You can also choose to contact the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) - an independent body with responsibility for dealing with complaints about health services or providers.
Read more at NSW Health – Your feedback.
Privacy complaints may either be addressed as informal complaints, handled through existing complaints handling and investigation processes, or handled formally under privacy law via the internal review process, in accordance with NSW privacy legislation.
See Privacy in Nepean Blue Mountains for details.
Compliments and suggestions
We love to hear when a patient, carer or visitor has had a positive experience, so please let us know - either directly to the staff involved, or by contacting the relevant team in the list above.
What we will do with your feedback
We take all feedback received seriously. Whether it is negative or positive, we value it and use it to try to improve the service we provide.
We will:
- work to deal with all feedback in a manner that is effective, and resolve it in a way that is fair for all involved.
- provide you with information about what you can expect from the process, and keep you updated as your feedback is considered.
- ensure that your care will not be negatively impacted in any way as a result of making a complaint
- respect your privacy.
Health care complaints: where to start and tips

ACHQSC health care complaints - where to start
This video provides helpful information about health care rights in Australia and how to raise healthcare complaints.

ACSQHC health care complaints top tips
This video provides practical tips and advice to help patients, families and carers raise healthcare complaints and have them addressed.