Congratulations to Maddison Williams, who has been named Aboriginal Allied Health Professional of the year at the 2022 NSW Health Excellence in Allied Health Awards.
Maddison is a Senior Social Worker at Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District’s Mudang Mudjin (Building Strong Foundations) and Wilingali (Aboriginal and Maternal Infant Health Service) services at Cranebrook Community Health Centre.
Her unswerving commitment to improving health and social outcomes for Aboriginal people has seen Maddison become widely recognised throughout the District for her compassion and leadership.
A staunch advocate for culturally safe care, Maddison says, “As a proud Wiradjuri woman, my favourite part of my job is working with Aboriginal children and families. I feel a strong cultural connection to my clients and want to ensure that they receive culturally appropriate care.”
Maddison is thrilled to achieve statewide recognition for the work she’s done.
“I’m so happy and so excited. I am so lucky to work in a great team. I really love my job and love working in the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District,” Maddison says.
Maddison began working at the District as part of the NSW Health Aboriginal Allied Health Cadetship program, which she says gave her good support as she established her career.
“The cadetship provided me with great opportunities, connected me with other allied health professionals and really grew my professional network.”
Maddison acknowledged the support she’s received from many of her colleagues that has helped her along the way.
“I’d like to thank Joanne Huging who supported me to get my current role, as well as my current manager, Lynette O’Malley and Natasha McGing who have really supported my work,” Maddison says.