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As a landowner, it’s your responsibility to manage weeds on your land.
Your Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan is a vital tool to help coordinate weed control between landholders. It provides a practical and regional approach to managing weeds posing a biosecurity threat.
These plans focus on managing weeds that impact:
Our regional weed management strategies recognise that weed species are a problem across the landscape and can be regionally specific. Programs are developed in consultation with landholders, local councils, regional pest committees, community groups and other government agencies.
Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans work to:
Everyone is required to manage biosecurity risks to ensure better primary industries and environment for the future.
Our Biosecurity Officers are on the ground to work with land managers across their regions. We can help you manage weeds through advice, training, awareness and best practice guidelines.
Look up your closest Local Land Services office.
If you think you’ve found a new type of weed on your land or property, then contact the NSW Invasive Plants and Animals Enquiry Line on 1800 680 244, email or contact your local council weed officer on 1300 795 299.
We worked with regional weed committees and the community to develop the current regional strategic weed management plans.
Below, download guides plans for the following LLS regions:
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