Special purpose pest management rate
This portion of your Local Land Services rates supports statewide plague locust and pest animal control and the management of state and regional pest priorities.
Your Local Land Services Rates include a special purpose pest management rate.
In 2018, following a recommendation from the statewide review of pest animal management by the Natural Resources Commission, the Local Land Services Regulation 2014 was amended to change the Special Purpose Pest Insect Rate to a Special Purpose Pest Management Rate. This change broadened the purpose and use of the special purpose rate and is overseen by the Plague Locust Management Committee.
This rate will continue to support statewide plague locust control as a priority. A portion will also be invested in the management of state and regional pest priorities. These priorities can be found in the Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plans developed for each Local Land Services Region.
Prior pest insect rates and any outstanding rates collected for locust control will only be spent on the purpose that they were collected for, that is, locust management.
What is the pest management fund and who benefits?
The pest management fund replaces the pest insect destruction fund that was established in 1934 and developed solely to fund the control of outbreaks of Australian plague locusts, migratory locusts and spur-throated locusts across NSW.
It effectively combats plague locusts in hot spots across NSW, and not only minimises damages but also reduces the risk of migration of adult locusts into other areas, including coastal areas.
Locust control campaigns
Locust control campaigns are the cooperative effort of landholders, public land managers, the Australian Plague Locust Commission, NSW Farmers and government departments, including Local Land Services.
Since 2004, more than 1.4 million hectares have been treated across NSW, and support from landholders has been crucial to the success of these campaigns, with farmers treating more than half of this area.
Want to know more?
To learn more about special purpose pest management rates, the pest management fund and how the fund is spent, please contact us.
Alternatively, you can view the Natural Resources Commission natural resource management recommendations and Government response (PDF 2.48MB).