The Minns Labor government invested $2.9 million towards this facility which will house up to 72 horses.
Gates and other security features have been installed to ensure horse safety. About 200 metres from the training facility is a sandy jog track for drivers and their horses to use for exercise drills. A new gravel carpark with 27 spaces and a horse float parking area has also been completed.
The training centre will make harness racing more accessible as aspiring drivers can lease a stable to house their horse for a nominal weekly fee. On-site facilities will give drivers flexibility to train horses and visit when they choose. Staff at the training centre will manage the upkeep of the facility, reducing the burden on the trainers and drivers, many of whom are hobbyists who engage in the sport recreationally.
The new facility will benefit aspiring drivers looking to become the superstars of tomorrow as it is close to the Bathurst Harness Racing Club where numerous major events are held throughout the year, including the annual Gold Crown Carnival at the end of March.
Bathurst Harness Racing Club is one of the state's largest and most successful harness racing clubs with a strong harness racing following and participation with around 52 TAB race meetings a year.
The training facility will encourage more trainers and drivers to visit the Bathurst region, boosting the economy and harness racing participation rates.
Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:
“The NSW Government is focused on building better communities and investing in our regions. This significant investment from Crown Lands will help Bathurst go from strength-to-strength as one of the state’s premier harness racing destinations.
“Our statewide investments in maintaining and improving Crown reserves like this one in Bathurst helps ensure they can continue to serve their communities for many years to come.”
Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said:
“This brand-new facility adjoining the famous Bathurst Harness Racing Club will make it much easier for drivers to get into the sport and stay there, ensuring harness racing can continue to flourish.
“Harness racing contributes millions to the NSW economy each year supporting jobs, communities and regions and investments like this from the Minns Labor Government are key to ensuring it has a sustainable future.”
Harness Racing NSW CEO Peter Buckman said:
“This training facility is going to be a huge boon for the local community. Youngsters can find it hard to break into the sport due to the cost of maintaining a horse, but this facility will make it much more accessible for the average punter to get their foot in the door.
“Not only will the facility be greatly beneficial for the future of our sport, but it will also benefit the Bathurst community as a whole as tourists and trainers from neighbouring towns will visit the city and spend here.”
Local trainer Nathan Goulding said:
“This facility is so important for our sport, especially for young people who can’t afford to buy their own property as now they can keep their horses near the track and know they’ll be taken care of.
“It’s so important we make it easier for the next generation to take up this sport, and I thank Crown Lands for helping us secure funding for this really critical piece of community infrastructure.”