Department of Customer Service achievements 

Face-to-face services have expanded state-wide and digital services have increased by 85%, making Government services more accessible than ever before.

Inspectors talking to pedestrians

Australia's best government services provider

State of the Customer Report

To become the world’s most customer-centric government, we need to go above and beyond our customers' expectations. When we build and design products, we do it so they are accessible to all.

In 2022, DCS launched the nation’s first State of the Customer Report, measuring our success against other state and federal governments.

The report demonstrates NSW is performing better than all other states and territories across a range of customer experiences and will be used to track our process into the future. 

Key statistics


of customers were able to do what they set out to do.


of customers were able to reach an outcome.


of customer thought information was simple to understand.


of customers find it easy to interact with NSW Government.

All the services you need in the palm of your hand


One-stop-shop linking customers to NSW Government support and payments. 

Support Services

Visit or call a service centre, or see the services available online.

Leading the country in cost of living support

The rising cost of living is dominating conversations at dining tables and boardrooms across the country. To ease the pressure, DCS has put dollars into people's pockets in the form of 70 rebates, vouchers and payments, saving customers $7.5 billion.

Claim benefits

70+ money saving initiatives

Fuel Checker

Find the cheapest fuel

Toll Tracker

Manage toll spend

Inclusive services in times of need

More service centres and frontline staff has got NSW to where it is today.

A couple look out at bushfire damaged property and burnt vehicle

Fires, floods and drought

Over the last four years, NSW has been savaged by natural disasters ranging from bushfires, floods and drought.

DCS responded by putting boots on the ground and money in the pockets of people who needed it most, with many millions of dollars in emergency payments to households, businesses and communities.

DCS worked in partnership with local government and federal government to set up recovery centres after the floods to help those in need access services and information.

Karina, Alicia and Bud from the Revenue outreach program

Support for First Nations peoples

Our First Nations team is dedicated to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

We're here to help you understand all the available options to manage your fines, with culturally safe services and options.

We offer a range of other services designed to support your individual circumstances. 

Find a range of resources at Aboriginal Communities or read more about our Aboriginal customer engagement strategy. (PDF 1MB)

On the frontline of innovation and cyber security defence

Did you know?

In 2022, the NSW Government ranked second in Australia for cyber safety. 

From data breaches and scams, to threatening viruses and hacking scandals, DCS has led the defence and recovery in the fight against cybercrime.

  • Cyber Security NSW ensures all NSW government departments and agencies manage cyber security risks appropriately. 
  • ID Support has helped victims of the Medibank Private and Optus data breaches by providing quick access to support services such as NSW Digital ID.

Saving customers time with ID solutions

Proving who you are used to involve shuffling through paper, queuing for hours and repeating the same information to multiple agencies or businesses.

As part of MyServiceNSW, DCS rolled out NSW Digital ID allowing customers to verify their identification in seconds. 


Watch this video to see what's possible for digital identity

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Video transcript

Watch this video to see what's possible for digital identity

Female: Image a future where you have the option to carry your identity and important credentials securely on a mobile device.
Your day-to-day can be easier, faster and more secure.
We have the digital driver licence but that's just the beginning.
In the future, you'll be able to opt in to carry your licences, passes, permits and cards digitally on your phone with confidence that your private information stays private.
The options could be endless, including sharing your information with a third party such as a gym.
The technology could extend to a student card or first aid certificate and more in a digital wallet.
Security on location goes digital.
Arriving at an interview, Gemma agrees to digitally prove her identity to get into the building.
The job interview is a hit.
A business can rely less on paper credentials, which are typically not secure.
The employer vierifies Gemma's university and TAFE qualifications.
Gemma also show her Working With Children Check.
The employer can have confidence in the qualifications and Gemma consents to what is shared and who it's shared with.
This future vision is one built on security and privacy.
Credentials in your digital wallet will be saved locally on your phone, not collected centrally by government.
A notification arrives and Gemma learns her Working With Children Check is about to expire. She can renew it on the go.
Her car registration is also due. She can renew it and get a record of her insurance with a few taps.
Safe and secure and all in the one place. No lost cards.
Tomorrow, we'll make it easier for everyone to check credentials.
Gemma's electrician turns up, she can verify Mike's licence and have peace of mind he is who he says he is.
The NSW Government vision is creating a secure and trusted digital environment that makes everyday life easier.

Digital licences making verification easier

Being able to access and verify licences, registrations and permits should be a simple process for individuals and businesses.

Today, customers can apply for a range of qualifications online.

Licences and credentials are being made available on the Service NSW app, with more digital licences coming.


How to visually verify the NSW Digital Driver Licence

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How to visually verify the NSW Digital Driver Licence

The Digital Driver Licence contains multiple features which confirm it's authentic and current. Therefore, reducing the risk of identity fraud.

Before we go through the features, it is important for you to remember to avoid touching the customer's phone.

If you're having difficulties viewing the licence, ask your customer to adjust their phone accordingly.

Now, let's go through the features.

Narrator: Does the New South Wales Government logo animate?

Look out for the last refreshed date and time.

Check the last refreshed date and time by asking the customer to swipe down on the licence.

Look for a licence status banner at the top of the licence.

The licence status banner will remain fixed at the top of the screen even when scrolling.

The QR code is used for scanning. It expires and reloads.

When the phone is tilted, you should see the Waratah hologram move.

You may have to ask the customer to scroll down for their address.

Check the watermark matches the licence photo.

When the phone is flipped, the Digital Driver Licence should adjust to a horizontal view.

Note, a customer may have locked their smartphone's orientation.

If you're unsure even after a quick look, check the last refreshed time by asking the customer to swipe down on the licence.

If you're still unsure after a visual check, follow your industry or organisational protocol.

Keeping workplaces safe with SafeWork NSW’s Speak-up app

Reporting an unsafe work issue to your boss can be confronting. SafeWork NSW has made this easier by creating the Speak-up app.

Employees can speak up and tell their bosses about issues in the workplace anonymously. Workers can tag their location, include photos, and choose to be kept updated on the issue they’ve reported.

Since the launch of the app in 2019, SafeWork have received more than 12,000 anonymous enquiries, prompting thousands of inspections resulting in 4000 improvement notices across the state.


SafeWork NSW inspectors - workplace visits

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SafeWork NSW inspectors - workplace visits

Female: As a SafeWork NSW inspector, it's my job to help you improve health and safety at your workplace. 
We might visit you in response to a request for advice, an incident, a complaint or as part of a safety program.
Male 1: Our responsibilities include licensing dangerous work,investigating incidents,and making sure that workplaces comply with work helath and safety, workers compensation and explosive laws in NSW.
What can you expect when an inspector visits?
Female: If we do come to see you, what can you expect?
Male 1:When we arrive at a workplace, we will always identify ourselves as SafeWork Inspectors.
Female:Depending on the situation, we'll ask a manager, a Work , Health and Safety Inspector and possibly a worker to accompany us around your site.
When we visit a workplace, we will always provide valuable information and advice.
Sometimes, however, we will also have to take action.
This might include giving you an improvement notice to fix an issue in a specific timeframe or a prohibition notice to stop an unsafe activity immediately.
Male 2: In rare cases, we may issue an on-the-spot fine or conduct a full investigation to find the cause of an injury or illness.
An investigation notice may be issued to secure the scene, seize evidence, provide documents or answer questions in writing.
What is expected of you?
Female: We understand that you have a job to do. When we visit your workplace, we try to cause as little disruption as possible. 
There are a few things that you can do to help. 
Male 2:Provide full access to the business so we can easily understand work processes and the work environment.
Female: Assist the inspector wherever necessary and provide any requested information or documents.
Male 1: Last of all, be honest, open and courteous. 
It is an offence to hiner, obstruct, intimidate, threaten or assault an inspector or a person assisting an inspector.
What are inspector powers?
Male 2: In order to perform their role, inspectors are authorised to exercise certain powers. This includes entering any premises they believe are a place of work, and taking photos, recordings measurements and samples.
Female: We may also need to conduct interviews and collect documents or other evidence, and we might also request the assistance of technical experts or the police.
More information
Female: Remember, ultimately, we are here to help you. If you would like more information, visit our website or call us on 13 10 50.

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