About The Cabinet Office

The purpose of The Cabinet Office is: leading policy, strategy and integrity from the heart of government.

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The Cabinet Office

  • supports the Premier and Cabinet in their roles as decision-makers with expert policy advice informed by data, evidence, consultation and a focus on the bigger picture. 
  • coordinates, and at times leads, policy reform to drive the Government’s priorities.
  • advances NSW's interests at a national level through strategic advice to the Premier and Cabinet on intergovernmental matters.
  • upholds Cabinet conventions and good Cabinet practice to support better decision-making, including support for the Secretary in their role as Cabinet Secretary.
  • helps the Government deliver its agenda lawfully and effectively through good governance and expert legal advice. 
  • builds public trust in government by supporting institutional and individual integrity.

Our values

  • Consider people equally without prejudice or favour. 
  • Act professionally with honesty, consistency and impartiality. 
  • Take responsibility for situations, showing leadership and courage. 
  • Place the public interest over personal interest. 
  • Appreciate difference and welcome learning from others. 
  • Build relationships based on mutual respect. 
  • Uphold the law, institutions of government and democratic principles. 
  • Communicate intentions clearly and invite teamwork and collaboration. 
  • Provide apolitical and non-partisan advice. 
  • Provide services fairly with a focus on customer needs. 
  • Be flexible, innovative and reliable in delivering services. 
  • Engage with the not-for-profit and business sectors to develop and implement service solutions. 
  • Focus on quality while maximising service delivery. 
  • Recruit and promote employees on merit. 
  • Take responsibility for decisions and actions. 
  • Provide transparency to enable public scrutiny. 
  • Observe standards for safety. 
  • Be fiscally responsible and focus on efficient, effective and prudent use of resources. 
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