Community engagement

We partner with community organisations and attend events to make it easier for people with diverse needs to access our services.

Find out how to invite us to your event or become one of our community partners.

Pathfinders NABC program at Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Service in Dubbo

Invite us to your event

Our Community Engagement team can come to your event and help people to:

  • register a birth
  • apply for a birth certificate
  • answer questions about other BDM services.

We can offer help to people who have:

  • limited identifications documents
  • limited or no access to the internet
  • difficulty paying for the birth certificate.

At some events, we collaborate with other government agencies or community partners to deliver our services. These agencies might be Service NSW, Revenue NSW, Anti-Discrimination NSW and the NSW Energy and Water Ombudsman.

Invite us to attend your event

A mother, grandmother and child smile at the camera

Help with birth certificate costs

While it’s free to register a birth, there's a fee for getting a birth certificate.

If your organisation has funding, we recommend that you offer to pay this fee for vulnerable people.

On a case-by-case basis, we may waive the birth certificate fee for vulnerable people who are:

  • experiencing domestic and family violence
  • experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless
  • under 18 years of age, not at school and not working
  • suffering long term chronic debilitating illnesses
  • members of the Stolen Generations
  • in personal disasters such as a house fire that has destroyed personal property
  • an unregistered person in a custodial sentence
  • victims of a natural disaster.

Our Fee waiver policy explains some of the ways we can help vulnerable people.

School readiness day at Kimberwalli Western Sydney.

Out and about in the community

Our Kids Count birth registration assistance days

We visit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across NSW to help parents and carers register births and apply for birth certificates.

At our assistance days, we provide a limited number of free birth certificates.

These events are part of our 5-year commitment to strengthen services with Aboriginal communities (PDF 211.15KB).  You can also view the Our Kids Count campaign video.

See our events calendar for our next assistance day.

Our Kids Count birth registration assistance day.

Become a community partner

Our community partners help make our services accessible to communities with diverse needs. They do this by delivering our services on our behalf.

Our partners:

  • help vulnerable people register their baby and get a birth certificate
  • provide funding to supply free birth certificates
  • promote our services and events.

Some partners may be able to provide computer access for vulnerable members of the community, and basic assistance in regions without other face to face service providers.

We make sure the process to become a partner is simple.

To become a community partner, contact our Community Engagement Manager at

BDM and Revenue at a legal assistance day in Forster.

What our partnerships have achieved

During the 2023-24 financial year, our Community Engagement team and partners:

Attended 130+ community events.

Provided 3,254 free birth certificates.

Visited 59 suburbs.

Contact us

For further information, contact our Community Engagement Manager at

Subscribe to Community Events

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