Behavioural Insights Unit

The NSW Behavioural Insights Unit (BIU) uses the latest research about how people really think and act, to help NSW Government agencies deliver better services to citizens. 

A group of office employees chat around a conference table.

How we can help you

We partner with service agencies and use behavioural sciences to deliver tangible benefits for NSW citizens.

There are several ways we help NSW Government agencies, including:

  • rapid advice and evidence checks
  • sludge reduction
  • behavioural interventions
  • capability uplift. 

Learn more


 A woman pointing at pictures on a whiteboard

Read more about the work we have done with NSW Government agencies



Latest blogs

A group of office workers sit around a conference table, while a woman stands next to a whiteboard.
Learn to write for impact using behavioural insights

Our new Writing for Impact with Behavioural Insights Workshop empowers NSW public servants to apply behavioural insights to their communications for improved service outcomes. 

A tradeswoman wearing personal protective equipment is seen checking machinery.
Hiring tradeswomen - a best practice guide for employers

Australia faces a significant shortage of tradespeople, particularly in male-dominated fields. Our Employers Guide offers best practice advice for hiring more women to fill these positions.

Two women sit around an office conference table while a third places sticky notes on a whiteboard.
Customers the ultimate winners after Behaviour Smart Bootcamp

Teams that attended our Behaviour Smart Bootcamp in 2022 have told us how the eight-month program boosted their customer service. 

The Legal Aid immersees
Behavioural Insights in Practice: the Legal Aid NSW immersion program

Legal Aid NSW staff members joined forces with BIU to learn how to apply behavioural insights to improve service delivery, policy, and law reform.

A close up of a woman speaking to a group of people
Six ways to increase voluntary participation in justice programs

See how we used BI to motivate high risk offenders to join voluntary behaviour change programs, putting them on the path of success. 

Photo of Bonnie Ho
A graduate's experience in the NSW Behavioural Insights Unit

Learn about what it's like undertaking the NSW Government Graduate's Program in BIU. 

A cartoon picture of sludge on a laptop and tablet screen with a crossed out sign over them.

Sludge toolkit

Sludge is excessive or unjustified friction that makes it harder for people to achieve their goals.  

By removing sludge, you can make your government services easier to access and use.

You can help people achieve their goals and make your services more fair, inclusive and trusted.

Use the Sludge toolkit

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