Opportunity Hubs build partnerships to coordinate and match employment, training, and further education opportunities for individual students. They're designed to meet students’ aspirations.
They involve partnerships between schools, employers, education and training providers, and the local community.
Opportunity Hubs grew out of OCHRE the NSW Government plan for Aboriginal Affairs that stands for Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility and Empowerment.
Opportunity Hubs help to:
- enhance students' participation and retention in school
- foster aspirations for career pathways
- promote post-school enrolment in further education and training
- facilitate placement in sustainable jobs.
Opportunity Hubs were established after extensive consultations with local Aboriginal communities and education and training stakeholders within each hub region.
To see the full list of Hub regions, and contacts see Education NSW pages:
As part of the OCHRE Evaluation, community members shared their views on the successes and challenges facing Opportunity Hubs in Tamworth and Campbelltown in 2018. See:
Campbelltown Opportunity Hub
Summary report
Full report
Tamworth Opportunity Hub
Summary report
Full report
Also see Aboriginal Affairs and OCHRE pages.