Tech Savvy Seniors

A NSW Government initiative in partnership with Telstra.

Get hands-on help building your technology skills.

Senior couple sitting in a garden on a tablet.

Keen to learn to do more with technology? Or simply want to carry out your everyday online activities more easily, confidently and safely?

Tech Savvy Seniors provides low cost or free training sessions - at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels - on the use of computers, tablets, smartphones and online applications such as email, social media and cyber safety.

Sessions are hands on and help to gain confidence with all your online activities. From staying in touch with loved ones, accessing important services online to enjoying what technology can offer.

Training is available across a network of public libraries, community colleges, and also in a range of languages.

To find your nearest training provider, and get information on training dates and topics, contact the participating public libraries and community colleges.


Find your local government area below for sessions running near you. 


List of Suburbs



Lennox Head



DateModuleLibrary/branchStart Time
27/03/2025Managing your digital assetsAlstonville1.30pm - 4.30pm


DateModuleLibrary/branchStart Time
27/03/2025Managing your digital assetsBallina1.30pm - 4.30pm

Lennox Head

DateModuleLibrary/branchStart Time
25/03/2025Managing your digital assetsLennox Head1.30pm - 4.30pm

Prefer to work solo?

Telstra’s Learning Digital Hub has self-guided lessons to build your digital skills.

More ways to get savvier online

Want to tap into more training in your local area or even online?

Take a look at the Commonwealth Government's Be Connected program, aimed at increasing online confidence, skills and safety, with a particular focus on seniors.

You can take advantage of digital literacy training offered through the Be Connected network of local community organisations such as libraries, neighbourhood centres, community clubs and retirements villages.

Or learn at your own pace with a range of fun, free online courses, webinars and resources.

You can even dive straight into Be Connected Quick Reads – a series of fast, informative articles on anything from social media to spotting fake news.

To find your local network providers and explore all your learning options, visit the Be Connected website.

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